Timer A
M30240 Group
Rev.1.00 Sep 24, 2003 Page 74 of 360 Pulse-width modulation (PWM) mode
In this mode, the timer outputs pulses of a given width in succession (See
Table 1.22 ). In this mode,
the counter functions as either a 16-bit pulse-width modulator or an 8-bit pulse-width modulator.
Figure1.67 shows an example of how a 16-bit pulse-width modulator operates.
Figure 1.68 shows the Timer
Ai mode register in pulse-width modulation mode.
Figure 1.69 shows the example of how an 8-bit
pulse width modulator operates.
Figure 1.67: Example of how a 16-bit pulse-width modulator operates
Table 1.22:
Timer specifications in pulse-width modulation mode
Count source
f1, f8, f32
Count operation
The timer counts down (operating as an 8-bit or a 16-bit pulse-width modulator)
The timer reloads a new count at a rising edge of PWM pulse and continues counting
The timer is not affected by a trigger that occurs when counting
16-bit PWM
High level width n / fi
n: Set value
Cycle time (216-1) / fi
8-bit PWM
High level width
(m+1) /fi
n: values set to timer Ai register’s high-order address
Cycle time
(m+1) /fi m: values set to timer Ai register’s low-order address
Count start condition
External trigger is input
The timer overflows
The count start flag is set (= 1)
Count stop condition
The count start flag is reset (= 0)
Interrupt request
generation timing
PWM pulse goes “L”
TAiIN pin function
Programmable I/O port or trigger input
TAiOUT pin function
Pulse output
Read from timer
When Timer Ai register is read, it indicates an indeterminate value
Write to timer
When counting is stopped and a value is written to Timer Ai register, it is written to both
reload register and the counter
When counting in progress and a value is written to Timer A register, it is written to only
reload register to be transferred to the counter at next reload timer.
1 / fi X (2
– 1)
Count source
iIN pin
input signal
PWM pulse output
from TA iOUT pin
: Reload register = 0003 16 , when external trigger
(rising edge of TA iIN pin input signal) is selected
Trigger is not generated by this signal
Timer Ai interrupt
request bit
Cleared to “0” when interrupt request is accepted, or cleared by software
fi : Frequency of count source
(f1, f8, f32)
to FFFE16
1 / fi X n
Note: n = 0000