The greatest feature of the PDC is its ability to be reconfig-
ured to process many common standards in the communica-
tions industry. Thus, a single hardware element can receive
and process a wide variety of signals from PCS to traditional
cellular, from wireless local loop to SATCOM. The high reso-
lution frequency tuning and narrowband filtering are instru-
mental in almost all of the applications.
Multiple Chip Synchronization
Multiple PDCs are synchronized using a MASTER/SLAVE
configuration. One part is responsible for synchronizing the
front end internal circuitry using CLKIN while another part is
responsible for synchronizing the backend internal circuitry
using PROCCLK.
The PDC is synchronized with other PDCs using five control
MSYNCI. Figure 2 shows the interconnection of these five
signals for multiple chip synchronization where different
sources are used for CLKIN and PPOCCLK.
SYNCOUT for PDC B should be set to be synchronous with
CLKIN (Control Word 0, Bit 3 = 0. See the Microprocessor
Write Section). SYNCOUT for PDC B is tied to the SYNCIN1
of all the PDCs. The SYNCIN1 can be programmed so that
the carrier NCO and/or the 5th order CIC filter of all PDCs can
be synchronously loaded/updated using SYNCIN1. See Con-
trol Word 0, Bits 19 and 20 in the Microprocessor Write Sec-
tion for details.
SYNCOUT for one of the PDC’s other than PDC B, should
be set for PROCCLK (bit 3 = 1 in Control Word 0). This out-
put signal is tied to the SYNCIN2 of all PDCs. The SYNCIN2
can be programmed so that the AGC updates its accumula-
tor with the contents in the master registers (Control Word 8,
Bit 29 in the Microprocessor Write Section). SYNCIN2 is
also used to load or reset the timing NCO using bit 5, Control
Word 11. The halfband and FIR filters can be reset on
SYNCIN2 using Control Word 7, Bit 21. The MSYNCO of
one of the PDCs is then used to drive the MSYNCI of all the
PDCs (including its own).
For application configurations where CLKIN and PROCCLK
have the same source, SYNCIN1 and SYNCIN2 can be tied
together. However, if different enabling is desired for the front
end and backend processing of the PDC’s, these signals can
still be controlled independently.
In the HSP50214A, the Control Word 25 reset signal has
been extended so that the front end reset is 10 CLKIN peri-
ods wide and the back end reset is 10 PROCCLK periods
wide. This guarantees that no enables will be caught in the
pipelines. In addition, the SYNCIN1 internal reset signal,
which is enabled by setting Control Word 7, Bit 21 = 1, has
been extended to 10 cycles.
In summary, SYNCIN1 is used to update carrier phase off-
set, update carrier center frequency, reset CIC decimation
counters and reset the carrier NCO (clear the feedback in
the NCO). SYNCIN2 is used to reset the HB filter, FIR filter,
re-sampler/HB state machines and the output FIFO, load a
new gain into the AGC and load a new re-sampler NCO cen-
ter frequency and phase offset.
Input Section
The block diagram of the input controller is provided in Fig-
ure 3. The input can support offset binary or two’s comple-
ment data and can be operated in gated or interpolated
mode (see Control Word 0 from the Microprocessor Write
Section). The gated mode takes one sample per clock when
the input enable (ENI) is asserted. The gated mode allows
the user to synchronize a low speed sampling clock to a high
speed CLKIN.
The interpolated mode allows the user to input data at a low
sample rate and to zero-stuff the data prior to filtering. This
zero stuffing effectively interpolates the input signal up to the
rate of the input clock (CLKIN). This interpolated mode
allows the part to be used at rates where the sampling fre-
quency is above the maximum input rate range of the half-
band filter section, and where the desired output bandwidth
is too wide to use a Cascaded Integrator Comb (CIC) filter
without significantly reducing the dynamic range. See Fig-
ures 4-7 for an interpolated input example, detailing the
associated spectral results.
Interpolation Example:
The specifications for the interpolated input example are:
Input Sample Rate = 5 MSPS
Interpolate by 8, Decimate by 10
Desired 85dB dynamic range output bandwidth = 500kHz
Input Level Detector
The Input Level Detector Section measures the average
magnitude error at the PDC input for the microprocessor by
comparing the input level against a programmable thresh-
old and then integrating the result. It is intended to provide
PDC A is the Master sync through MSO.
PDC B configures the CLKIN sync through SYNCIN1.
PDC A configures the PROCCLK sync through SYNCIN2.