Design Considerations
Designs using the HPC family of 16-bit high speed CMOS
microcontrollers need to follow some general guidelines on
usage and board layout
Floating inputs are a frequently overlooked problem CMOS
inputs have extremely high impedance and if left open can
float to any voltage You should thus tie unused inputs to
VCC or ground either through a resistor or directly Unlike
the inputs unused outputs should be left floating to allow
the output to switch without drawing any DC current
To reduce voltage transients keep the supply line’s parasit-
ic inductances as low as possible by reducing trace lengths
using wide traces ground planes and by decoupling the
supply with bypass capacitors In order to prevent additional
voltage spiking this local bypass capacitor must exhibit low
inductive reactance You should therefore use high frequen-
cy ceramic capacitors and place them very near the IC to
minimize wiring inductance
Keep VCC bus routing short When using double sided or
multilayer circuit boards use ground plane techniques
Keep ground lines short and on PC boards make them
as wide as possible even if trace width varies Use sepa-
rate ground traces to supply high current devices such as
relay and transmission line drivers
In systems mixing linear and logic functions and where
supply noise is critical to the analog components’ per-
formance provide separate supply buses or even sepa-
rate supplies
If you use local regulators bypass their inputs with a tan-
talum capacitor of at least 1 mF and bypass their outputs
with a 10 mFto50 mF tantalum or aluminum electrolytic
If the system uses a centralized regulated power supply
usea10 mFto20 mF tantalum electrolytic capacitor or a
50 mFto100 mF aluminum electrolytic capacitor to de-
couple the VCC bus connected to the circuit board
Provide localized decoupling For random logic a rule of
thumb dictates approximately 10 nF (spaced within
12 cm) per every two to five packages and 100 nF for
every 10 packages You can group these capacitances
but it’s more effective to distribute them among the ICs If
the design has a fair amount of synchronous logic with
outputs that tend to switch simultaneously additional de-
coupling might be advisable Octal flip-flop and buffers in
bus-oriented circuits might also require more decoupling
Note that wire-wrapped circuits can require more decou-
pling than ground plane or multilayer PC boards
TLDD11289 – 32
FIGURE 30 Recommended
Fundamental Crystal Circuit
A recommended crystal oscillator circuit to be used with the
HPC is shown in
Figure 30 See table for recommended
component values The recommended values given in the
table have yielded consistent results and are made to match
a crystal with a 18 pF load capacitance with some small
allowance for layout capacitance
For frequencies between 26 MHz and 40 MHz a third over-
tone frequency ‘‘AT’’ cut crystal or fundamental frequency
‘‘BT’’ cut crystal may be used Tite ‘‘AT’’ crystal has a tight-
er frequency tolerance over temperature than the ‘‘BT’’ cut
The ‘‘BT’’ crystal network is easier to design due to its fun-
damental nature For the ‘‘BT’’ crystal
RF e 1–2 MX R1 e 0X –100X
C1 e 22 pF–27 pF C2 e 27 pF–53 pF
The ‘‘AT’’ crystal can be configured in one of two ways One
circuit is shown in
Figure 31
RF e 1MX –2 MX R1 e 0X –100X
CI e 22 pF–27 pF C2 e 27 pF–33 pF
C3 e 15 pF–30 pF and L1 is determined by the equation
f e
0L1 C3
f is the frequency which is
the crystal frequency from
this the value of L1 can be calculated The second circuit is
similar to
Figure 30 where RF e 2kX R1 e 0X C1 e
12 pF – 15 pF C2 e 15 pF–22 pF The lower C1 and C2
values allow a greater influence to stray capacitance and
EMI The lower RF resistance decreases gain while increas-
ing bandwidth The oscillator networks and component val-
ues are supplied for reference only Actual networks and
component values should be obtained from the crystal man-
R1 (X)
RF e 33 MX C1 e 27 pF C2 e 33 pF
XTAL Specifications The crystal used was an M-TRON Industries MP-1 Se-
ries crystal Fundamental frequency ‘‘AT’’ cut parallel resonant with a load-
ing capacitance CL e 18 pF and a series resistance of 25X
25 MHz 40X
10 MHz or 600X
2 MHz