Section 10 8-Bit Timers
The H8S/2345 Series includes an 8-bit timer module with two channels (TMR0 and TMR1). Each
channel has an 8-bit counter (TCNT) and two time constant registers (TCORA and TCORB) that
are constantly compared with the TCNT value to detect compare match events. The 8-bit timer
module can thus be used for a variety of functions, including pulse output with an arbitrary duty
The features of the 8-bit timer module are listed below.
Selection of four clock sources
The counters can be driven by one of three internal clock signals (/8, /64, or /8192) or an
external clock input (enabling use as an external event counter).
Selection of three ways to clear the counters
The counters can be cleared on compare match A or B, or by an external reset signal.
Timer output control by a combination of two compare match signals
The timer output signal in each channel is controlled by a combination of two independent
compare match signals, enabling the timer to generate output waveforms with an arbitrary duty
cycle or PWM output.
Provision for cascading of two channels
Operation as a 16-bit timer is possible, using channel 0 for the upper 8 bits and channel 1
for the lower 8 bits (16-bit count mode).
Channel 1 can be used to count channel 0 compare matches (compare match count mode).
Three independent interrupts
Compare match A and B and overflow interrupts can be requested independently.
A/D converter conversion start trigger can be generated
Channel 0 compare match A signal can be used as an A/D converter conversion start trigger.
Module stop mode can be set
As the initial setting, 8-bit timer operation is halted. Register access is enabled by exiting
module stop mode.