Rev. D | Page 16 of 24
serial interface of the AD7451 and the AD7441, respectively.
The serial clock provides the conversion clock and also controls
the transfer of data from the device during conversion.
CS initiates the conversion process and frames the data transfer.
The falling edge of CS puts the track-and-hold into hold mode
and takes the bus out of three-state. The analog input is sampled
and the conversion initiated at this point. The conversion requires
16 SCLK cycles to complete.
Once 13 SCLK falling edges have occurred, the track-and-hold
goes back into track mode on the next SCLK rising edge, as
falling edge, the SDATA line goes back into three-state.
If the rising edge of CS occurs before 16 SCLKs have elapsed,
the conversion is terminated and the SDATA line goes back into
The conversion result from the AD7441/AD7451 is provided on
the SDATA output as a serial data stream. The bits are clocked
out on the falling edge of the SCLK input. The data stream of
the AD7451 consists of four leading zeros followed by 12 bits
of conversion data, provided MSB first. The data stream of the
AD7441 consists of four leading zeros, followed by the 10 bits
of conversion data, followed by two trailing zeros, which is also
provided MSB first. In both cases, the output coding is straight
(natural) binary.
Sixteen serial clock cycles are required to perform a conversion
and to access data from the AD7441/AD7451. CS going low
provides the first leading zero to be read in by the DSP or the
microcontroller. The remaining data is then clocked out on the
subsequent SCLK falling edges, beginning with the second leading
zero. Thus, the first falling clock edge on the serial clock pro-
vides the second leading zero. The final bit in the data transfer
is valid on the 16th falling edge, having been clocked out on the
previous (15th) falling edge. Once the conversion is complete
and the data has been accessed after the 16 clock cycles, it is
important to ensure that, before the next conversion is initiated,
enough time is left to meet the acquisition and quiet-time speci-
fications (see the
sections). To achieve 1 MSPS with an 18 MHz clock, an 18-clock
burst performs the conversion and leaves enough time before the
next conversion for the acquisition and quiet time.
In applications with slower SCLKs, it is possible to read in data
on each SCLK rising edge; that is, the first rising edge of SCLK
after the CS falling edge has the leading zero provided, and the
15th SCLK edge has DB0 provided.