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The Write Memory command is used to program the
1024–bit EPROM data field. The details of the functional
flow chart are described in the section “WRITING
EPROM MEMORY”. The data memory address range
is 0000h to 007Fh. If the bus master sends a starting
address higher than this, the nine most significant
address bits are set to zeros by the internal circuitry of
the chip. This will result in a mismatch between the CRC
calculated by the DS2407 and the CRC calculated by
the bus master, indicating an error condition.
The Write Status command is used to program the Sta-
tus Memory field, which includes specification of pow-
er–on default settings of the Conditional Search and the
channel flip–flops as well as dynamic changes of the
Conditional Search Settings and channel flip–flops. The
details of the functional flow chart are described in the
The Status Memory address range is 0000h to 0007h.
The general programming algorithm is valid for the
EPROM section of the Status Memory (addresses 0 to
6) only. Status Memory Address 7 consists of SRAM
cells rather than EPROM. As a consequence, writing to
this location does not require a 12V programming pulse
and the bits 0 to 6 can be reprogrammed to any value
without limitation. Bit 7 is read–only; attempts to write to
it are ignored. The function flow for writing to status
memory location 7 is basically the same as for the
EPROM Status Memory Bytes. However, the program-
ming pulse may be, but need not be, replaced by send-
ing 8 Read Data Time Slots.
The Read Status command is used to read data from
the Status Memory field. The functional flow chart of this
command is identical to the Read Memory command.
Since the Status Memory is only 8 bytes, the DS2407
will send the 16–bit CRC after the last byte of status
information has been transmitted.
The Channel Access command is used to access the
PIO channels to sense the logical status of the output
node and the output transistor and to change the status
of the output transistor. The bus master will follow the
command byte with two Channel Control Bytes and will
receive back the Channel Info byte.
The Channel Control bytes allow the master to select a
PIO–channel to communicate with, to specify commu-
nication parameters and to reset the activity latches.
Figure 7 shows the details. The bits CHS0 and CHS1
(Channel Control Byte 1) select the channels to commu-
nicate with. One can select one of the two channels or
both channels together.
The codes for CHS0 and CHS1 are as follows:
(not allowed)
channel A only
channel B only
both channels interleaved
When reading a single channel only, the logic level at the
selected PIO is sampled at the beginning of each read
time slot (Figure 9a) and immediately signaled through
the 1–Wire line. Because the PIO logic levels are
sensed at the beginning of the time slot, transitions at
the PIO during the time slot are not seen by the bus mas-
ter. When writing to a single channel, the selected PIO
will show the new status after (but not necessarily
immediately after) the 1–Wire line has returned to its idle
level of typically 5V (see Figure 9a). If the bus master
transmits a 1 (Write One Time Slot), the output transistor
of the selected channel will change its status after time
td1, which is 15
s to 60
s after the begin of the time
slot. If the bus master transmits a 0 (Write Zero Time
Slot), the output transistor will change its status with a
delay of td0 after the 1–Wire line has returned to its idle
level. The value of td0 may vary between 200 and 300
ns (see Figure 9a). Depending on the load conditions,
there may be additional delay until the voltage at the PIO
reaches a new logical level.
If one is communicating with both channels, the Inter-
leave Control Bit IC controls when data is sampled and
when data arrives at the PIO pins. There is an asynchro-
nous mode (IC = 0) and a synchronous mode (IC = 1).
For the asynchronous mode, both channels are
accessed in an alternating way. For the synchronous
mode, both channels are accessed simultaneously.
When reading in the asynchronous mode each channel
is sampled alternately at the start of each Read Time
Slot, beginning with channel A. The logic level detected
at the PIO is immediately transmitted to the master dur-
ing the same time slot. When reading in the synchro-
nous mode, both channels will be sampled at the same
time; the data bit from channel A will be sent to the mas-