greater. The HDQ16 pin is then returned to its normal
ready-high logic state for a time t
. The bq2060 is then
ready to receive a command from the host processor.
The HDQ16 pin is open drain and requires an external
pullup resistor.
Command Codes
The SMBus Command Codes are in ( ), the HDQ16 in [ ].
Temperature(), Voltage(), Current(), and AverageCurrent(),
performance specifications are at regulated V
and a temperature of0–70
ManufacturerAccess() (0x00); [0x00–0x01]
This function provides writable command codes to con-
trol the bq2060 during normal operation and pack man-
ufacture. The followinglist ofcommands are available.
0x0618 Enable Low-Power Storage Mode:
the low-power storage mode. The bq2060 enters the stor-
age mode after a 5–8s delay. The bq2060 accepts other
commands to ManufacturerAccess() during the
before entering low-power storage mode. The LEDs
must be off before entering the low-power storage mode
as the display state remains unchanged.
During the delay following the low-power storage com-
mand, a VFCCalibration command may be issued.
The bq2060 clears the ManufacturerAccess() command
within 900ms of acknowledging the Enable Low-Power
Storage command. The VFC Calibration command must
be sent 900–1600ms after SMBus acknowledgment of
the Enable Low-Power Storage command. In this case,
the bq2060 delays entering storage mode until the cali-
bration process completes and the bq2060 stores the
new calibration values in EEPROM.
0x062b SEAL Command:
Instructs the bq2060 to re-
strict access to those functions listed in Table 3.
The SEAL Command does not change the state of the
SEAL bit in
Pack Configuration
in EEPROM. The
bq2060 completes the seal function and clears
ManufacturerAccess() within 900ms of acknowledging
the command.
bq2060 to update RM to a percentage of FCC as defined
Fast Charge Termination %
. The bq2060 updates RM
and clears ManufacturerAccess() within 900ms of ac-
knowledgingthe command.
Charge Synchronization:
Instructs the
0x0653 Enable VFC Calibration:
Instructs the un-
sealed bq2060 to begin VFC calibration. With this com-
mand the bq2060 deselects the SR
and SR
inputs and
calibrates for IC offset only. It is best to avoid charge or
discharge currents through the sense resistor during
this calibration process.
unsealed bq2060 to begin VFC calibration. With this
command the bq2060 does not deselect the SR
and SR
inputs and calibrates for IC and PCB offset.
this procedure no charge or discharge currents
must flow through the sense resistor.
Alternate VFC Calibration
Instructs the
During VFC calibration, the bq2060 disables the LED
display and accepts only the Stop VFC Calibration and
the SEAL Command to ManufacturerAccess(). The
bq2060 disregards all other commands. SMBus
communication should be kept to a minimum during
VFC calibration to reduce the noise level and allow a
more accurate calibration.
Once started, the VFC calibration procedures completes
automatically. When complete, the bq2060 saves the cal-
ibration values in EEPROM. The calibration normally
takes about 8 to 10 minutes. The calibration time is in-
versely proportional to the bq2060 VFC (and PCB) offset
error. The bq2060 caps the calibration time at one hour
in the event of calibrating zero offset error. The VFC cal-
ibration can be done as the last step in a battery pack
test procedure since the calibration can complete auto-
matically after removal from a test setup.
The bq2060 clears ManufacturerAccess() within 900ms
and starts calibration within 3.2s of acknowledging the
0x0660 Stop VFC Calibration:
Instructs the bq2060
to abort a VFC calibration procedure. If aborted, the
bq2060 disables offset correction. The bq2060 stops cali-
bration within 20ms ofacknowledging the command.
bq2060 to connect the SMBus to the EEPROM I
C bus.
The bq2060 applies power to the EEPROM within
900ms of acknowledging the command. After issuing the
program EEPROM command, the bq2060 monitoring
functions are disabled until the I
C bus is disconnected.
The bq2060 disconnects the I
C bus when it detects that
the Battery Address 0x16 is sent over the SMBus. The
Battery Address 0x16 to disconnect the I
C bus should
be sent until 10ms after the last write to the
Program EEPROM:
Instructs the unsealed
The following sequence of actions is an exam-
ple of how to use the ManufacturerAccess() commands
in an efficient manner to take a battery pack that has
completed all testing and calibration except for VFC cal-
ibration and to make it ready for shipment in the
SEALEDstate and in low-powerstorage mode:
Complete testing and other calibration without the
SEAL bit set in
Pack Configuration
Issue the Program EEPROM command and set the
SEAL bit in
Pack Configuration