be used to drive external logic that switches the device
power source from the main power supply to an auxil-
iary power supply.
Time Base Clock Enable
TBC_EN is an input that controls the selection of the
source of the Time Base Clock. The Time Base Clock
is used in loading the EEPROM, generation of the
PHY_RST, and the timing of the MDC and MDIO sig-
nals. When the input to this pin is LOW, an internal free
running oscillator with a maximum frequency of 20
MHz is used. When the input to this pin is HIGH, the
TBC_IN pin input is used to inject externally generated
clock into the device. For typical applications which will
use the internal oscillation, this pin should be tied to
When RST is active, TBC_EN is an input for NAND tree
Time Base Clock Input
TBC_IN may be used to connect to an external clock
source to drive the internal circuitry that loads the
EEPROM and controls the MDC and MDIO signals.
This input is selected when the TBC_EN pin is HIGH.
This pin should be tied to ground when the TBC_EN pin
is LOW.
PHY Reset
PHY_RST is an output pin that is used to reset the ex-
ternal PHY. This output eliminates the need for a fan
out buffer for the PCI RST signal, provides polarity for
the specific PHY used, and prevents the resetting of
the PHY when the PG input is LOW. The output polarity
is determined by the RST_POL bit(CSR116, bit0).
EEPROM Interface
EEPROM Chip Select
This pin is designed to directly interface to a serial EE-
PROM that uses the 93C46 EEPROM interface proto-
col. EECS is connected to the EEPROM
s chip select
pin. It is controlled by either the Am79C972 controller
during command portions of a read of the entire EE-
PROM, or indirectly by the host system by writing to
BCR19, bit 2.
This pin is designed to directly interface to a serial
EEPROM that uses the 93C46 EEPROM interface pro-
tocol. EEDI is connected to the EEPROM
s data input
pin. It is controlled by either the Am79C972 controller
during command portions of a read of the entire
EEPROM, or indirectly by the host system by writing to
BCR19, bit 0.
The EEDI pin is multiplexed with the LED0 pin.
This pin is designed to directly interface to a serial
EEPROM that uses the 93C46 EEPROM interface pro-
tocol. EEDO is connected to the EEPROM
s data out-
put pin. It is controlled by either the Am79C972
controller during command portions of a read of the en-
tire EEPROM, or indirectly by the host system by read-
ing from BCR19, bit 0.
The EEDO pin is multiplexed with the LED3,
EEPROM Serial Clock
This pin is designed to directly interface to a serial
EEPROM that uses the 93C46 EEPROM interface pro-
tocol. EESK is connected to the EEPROM
s clock pin.
It is controlled by either the Am79C972 controller di-
rectly during a read of the entire EEPROM, or indirectly
by the host system by writing to BCR19, bit 1.
The EESK pin is multiplexed with the LED1 and
SFBD pins.
The EESK pin is also used during EEPROM Auto-
Detection to determine whether or not an EEPROM is
present at the Am79C972 controller interface. At the
rising edge of the last CLK edge while RST is asserted,
EESK is sampled to determine the value of the EEDET
bit in BCR19. A sampled HIGH value means that an
EEPROM is present, and EEDET will be set to 1. A
sampled LOW value means that an EEPROM is not
present, and EEDET will be set to 0. See the
section for more details.
If no LED circuit is to be attached to this pin, then a pull
up or pull down resistor must be attached instead to re-
solve the EEDET setting.
WARNING: The input signal level of EESK must be
valid for correct EEPROM detection before the
deassertion of RST.
Expansion Bus Interface
Expansion Bus Upper Address/
Expansion Bus Address [7:0]
The EBUA_EBA[7:0] pins provide the least and most
significant bytes of address on the Expansion Bus. The
most significant address byte (address bits [19:16] dur-
ing boot device accesses) is valid on these pins at the
beginning of a boot device access, at the rising edge of
AS_EBOE. This upper address byte must be stored ex-