IGLOO PLUS Low Power Flash FPGAs
Revision 16
NROW is the number of VersaTile rows used in the design—guidelines are provided in the
FCLK is the global clock signal frequency.
NS-CELL is the number of VersaTiles used as sequential modules in the design.
PAC1, PAC2, PAC3, and PAC4 are device-dependent.
Sequential Cells Contribution—PS-CELL
PS-CELL = NS-CELL * (PAC5 + 1 / 2 * PAC6) * FCLK
NS-CELL is the number of VersaTiles used as sequential modules in the design. When a
multi-tile sequential cell is used, it should be accounted for as 1.
1 is the toggle rate of VersaTile outputs—guidelines are provided in Table 2-19 on FCLK is the global clock signal frequency.
Combinatorial Cells Contribution—PC-CELL
PC-CELL = NC-CELL* 1 / 2 * PAC7 * FCLK
NC-CELL is the number of VersaTiles used as combinatorial modules in the design.
1 is the toggle rate of VersaTile outputs—guidelines are provided in Table 2-19 on FCLK is the global clock signal frequency.
Routing Net Contribution—PNET
PNET = (NS-CELL + NC-CELL) * 1 / 2 * PAC8 * FCLK
NS-CELL is the number of VersaTiles used as sequential modules in the design.
NC-CELL is the number of VersaTiles used as combinatorial modules in the design.
1 is the toggle rate of VersaTile outputs—guidelines are provided in Table 2-19 on FCLK is the global clock signal frequency.
I/O Input Buffer Contribution—PINPUTS
NINPUTS is the number of I/O input buffers used in the design.
FCLK is the global clock signal frequency.
I/O Output Buffer Contribution—POUTPUTS
POUTPUTS = NOUTPUTS * 2 / 2 * 1 * PAC10 * FCLK
NOUTPUTS is the number of I/O output buffers used in the design.
FCLK is the global clock signal frequency.
RAM Contribution—PMEMORY
NBLOCKS is the number of RAM blocks used in the design.
FREAD-CLOCK is the memory read clock frequency.
2 is the RAM enable rate for read operations.
FWRITE-CLOCK is the memory write clock frequency.
3 is the RAM enable rate for write operations—guidelines are provided in Table 2-20 on