Data Sheet
Rev. D | Page 20 of 24
For example, if the AD7923 is operated in a continuous samp-
ling mode, with a throughput rate of 200 kSPS and an SCLK of
20 MHz (AVDD = 5 V), and the device is placed in auto shut-
down mode, that is, if PM1 = 0 and PM0 = 1, then the power
consumption is calculated as follows:
The maximum power dissipation during conversion is 13.5 mW
(IDD = 2.7 mA max, AVDD = 5 V). If the power-up time from auto
shutdown is one dummy cycle, that is 1 s, and the remaining
conversion time is another cycle, that is, 800 ns, then the
AD7923 can be said to dissipate 13.5 mW for 1.8 s during each
conversion cycle. For the remainder of the conversion cycle,
3.2 s, the part remains in shutdown. The AD7923 can be said
to dissipate 2.5 W for the remaining 3.2 s of the conver-sion
cycle. If the throughput rate is 200 kSPS, the cycle time is
5 s and the average power dissipated during each cycle is
(1.8/5) × (13.5 mW) + (3.2/5) × (2.5 W) = 4.8616 mW.
Figure 26 shows the maximum power vs. throughput rate when
using the auto shutdown mode with 5 V and 3 V supplies.
Figure 26. Power vs. Throughput Rate
Figure 27 shows the detailed timing diagrams for serial inter-
facing to the AD7923. The serial clock provides the conversion
clock and controls the transfer of information to and from the
AD7923 during each conversion.
The CS signal initiates the data transfer and conversion process.
The falling edge of CS puts the track-and-hold into hold mode
and takes the bus out of three-state; the analog input is sampled
at this point. The conversion is also initiated at this point and
requires 16 SCLK cycles to complete. The track-and-hold returns
to track mode at Point B on the 14th SCLK falling edge, as
line returns to three-state. If the rising edge of CS occurs before
16 SCLKs have elapsed, the conversion is terminated, the DOUT
line returns to three-state, and the control register is not updated;
otherwise DOUT returns to three-state on the 16th SCLK
Sixteen serial clock cycles are required to perform the conver-
sion process and to access data from the AD7923. For the
AD7923, the 12 bits of data are preceded by two leading 0s and
Channel Address Bits ADD1 and ADD0, identifying which
channel the result corresponds to. CS going low clocks out the
first leading 0 to be read by the microcontroller or DSP on the
first falling edge of SCLK. The first falling edge of SCLK also
clocks out the second leading 0 to be read by the microcon-
troller or DSP on the second SCLK falling edge, and so on. The
remaining two address bits and 12 data bits are then clocked out
by subsequent SCLK falling edges, beginning with the first
Address Bit ADD1, thus the second falling clock edge on the
serial clock has the second leading 0 and also clocks out
Address Bit ADD1. The final bit in the data transfer is valid on
the 16th falling edge, having been clocked out on the previous
(15th) falling edge.
Writing information to the control register takes place on the
first 12 falling edges of SCLK in a data transfer, assuming the
MSB, that is, the write bit, has been set to 1.
The 16-bit word read from the AD7923 always contain two
leading 0s, two channel address bits that the conversion result
corresponds to, followed by the 12-bit conversion result.
Writing Between Conversions
As outlined in the operating modes section, not less than 5 s
should be left between consecutive valid conversions. There is
one exception, however: consider the case when writing to the
AD7923 to power it up from shutdown prior to a valid conver-
sion. The user must write to the part to tell it to power up before
it can convert successfully. Once the serial write to power up
has finished, the user might want to perform the conversion as
soon as possible without waiting an additional 5 s before
bringing CS low for the conversion. In this case, as long as there
is a minimum of 5 s between each valid conversion, only the
quiet time between the CS rising edge at the end of the write to
power up and the next CS falling edge needs to be met.
Figure 28 illustrates this point. Note that when writing to the
AD7923 between these valid conversions, the DOUT line is not
driven during the extra write operation.
It is critical that an extra write operation as outlined above is
never issued between valid conversions when the AD7923 is
executing a sequence function, because the falling edge of CS in
the extra write moves the mux to the next channel in the
sequence. This means that when the next valid conversion takes
place a channel result would be missed.