X1242 – Preliminary Information
Characteristics subject to change without notice.
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REV 1.1.3 10/15/00
Clock/Calendar Register (YR, MO, DT, HR, MN, SC)
These registers depict BCD representations of the
time. As such, SC (Seconds) and MN (Minutes) range
from 00 to 59, HR (Hour) is 1 to 12 with an AM or PM
indicator (H21 bit) or 0 to 23 (with MIL = 1), DT (Date)
is 1 to 31, MO (Month) is 1 to 12, YR (year) is 0 to 99.
24-Hour Time
If the MIL bit of the HR register is 1, the RTC uses a
24-hour format. If the MIL bit is 0, the RTC uses a 12-
hour format and bit H21 functions as an AM/PM indi-
cator with a ‘1’ representing PM. The clock defaults to
Standard Time with H21 = 0.
Leap Years
Leap years add the day February 29 and are defined
as those years that are divisible by 4. Years divisible by
100 are not leap years, unless they are also divisible
by 400. This means that the year 2000 is a leap year,
the year 2100 is not. The X1242 does not correct for
the leap year in the year 2100.
The Status Register is located in the RTC area at
address 003FH. This is a volatile register only and is
used to control the WEL and RWEL write enable
latches, read two power status and two alarm bits. This
register is separate from both the array and the Clock/
Control Registers (CCR).
Table 2. Status Register (SR)
BAT: Battery Supply—Volatile
This bit set to “1” indicates that the device is operating
from V
, not V
. It is a read only bit and is set/
reset by hardware.
AL1, AL0: Alarm Bits—Volatile
These bits announce if either alarm 1 or alarm 2 match
the real time clock. If there is a match, the respective
bit is set to ‘1’. The falling edge of the last data bit in a
SR Read operation resets the flags. Note: Only the AL
bits that are set when an SR read starts will be reset.
An alarm bit that is set by an alarm occurring during an
SR read operation will remain set after the read opera-
tion is complete.
RWEL: Register Write Enable Latch—Volatile
This bit is a volatile latch that powers up in the LOW
(disabled) state. The RWEL bit must be set to “1” prior
to any writes to the Clock/Control Registers. Writes to
RWEL bit do not cause a nonvolatile write cycle, so the
device is ready for the next operation immediately after
the stop condition. A write to the CCR requires both
the RWEL and WEL bits to be set in a specific
sequence. RWEL bit is reset after each high voltage or
reset by sending 00h to status register.
WEL: Write Enable Latch—Volatile
The WEL bit controls the access to the CCR and
memory array during a write operation. This bit is a
volatile latch that powers up in the LOW (disabled)
state. While the WEL bit is LOW, writes to the CCR or
any array address will be ignored (no acknowledge will
be issued after the Data Byte). The WEL bit is set by
writing a “1” to the WEL bit and zeroes to the other bits
of the Status Register. Once set, WEL remains set
until either reset to 0 (by writing a “0” to the WEL bit
and zeroes to the other bits of the Status Register) or
until the part powers up again. Writes to WEL bit do
not cause a nonvolatile write write cycle, so the device
is ready for the next operation immediately after the
stop condition.
RTCF: Real Time Clock Fail Bit—Volatile
This bit is set to a ‘1’ after a total power failure. This is
a read only bit that is set by hardware when the device
powers up after having lost all power to the device.
The bit is set regardless of whether V
applied first. The loss of one or the other supplies does
not result in setting the RTCF bit. The first valid write to
the RTC (writing one byte is sufficient) resets the
RTCF bit to ‘0’.
or V
Unused Bits
These devices do not use bits 3 or 4, but must have a
zero in these bit positions. The Data Byte output dur-
ing a SR read will contain zeros in these bit locations.
Block Protect Bits—BP2, BP1, BP0 (Nonvolatile)
The Block Protect Bits, BP2, BP1 and BP0, determine
which blocks of the array are write protected. A write to
a protected block of memory is ignored. The block pro-
tect bits will prevent write operations to one of eight
segments of the array. The partitions are described in
Table 3 .