Philips Semiconductors
Objective specification
2000 Feb 10
general–purpose output port, the output port pins drive inverse logic
levels of the individual bits in the Output Port Register (OPR). The
OPR register is set and reset by writing to the SOPR and ROPR
addresses. (See the description of the SOPR and ROPR registers).
The output pins will drive the same data polarity of the OPR
registers. The I/OPCR (or the OPCR) register conditions these
output pins to be controlled by the OPR or by other signals in the
chip. Output ports are driven high on hardware reset.
UART Operation
Receiver and Transmitter
The Dual UART has two full duplex asynchronous
receiver/transmitters. The operating frequency for the receiver and
transmitter can be selected independently from the baud rate
generator, the counter, or from an external input. Registers that are
central to basic full–duplex operation are the mode registers (MR0,
MR1 and MR2), the clock select registers (RxCSR and TxCSR), the
command register (CR), the status register (SR), the transmit
holding register (TxFIFO), the receive holding register (RxFIFO),
interrupt status register (ISR) and interrupt mask register (IMR).
MR3 does not exist in 92 mode. MR3 is used in the control of the
intelligent operations of the L202.
Transmitter Status Bits
The SR (Status Register, one per UART) contains two bits that show
the condition of the transmitter FIFO. These bits are TxRDY and Tx
Idle. TxRDY means the TxFIFO has space available for one or more
bytes; Tx Idle means The TxFIFO is completely empty and the last
stop bit has been completed – the transmitter is underrun. Tx Idle
can not be active without TxRDY also being active. These two bits
will go active upon initial enabling of the transmitter
Transmission resumes and the Tx Idle bit is cleared when the CPU
loads at least one new character into the TxFIFO. The TxRDY will
not extinguish until the TxFIFO is completely full. The TxRDY bit will
always be active when the transmitter is enabled and there is at
lease one open position in the TxFIFO.
The transmitter is disabled by a hardware reset, a transmitter reset
in the command register or by the transmitter disable bit also in the
command register (CR). The transmitter must be explicitly enabled
via the CR before transmission can begin. Note that characters
cannot be loaded into the TxFIFO while the transmitter is disabled,
hence it is necessary to enable the transmitter and then load the
TxFIFO. It is not possible to load the TxFIFO and then enable the
Note the difference between transmitter disable and transmitter
Either hardware or software may cause the reset action. When reset
the transmitter stops transmission immediately. The transmit data
output will be driven high, transmitter status bits set to zero and any
data remaining in the TxFIFO is effectively discarded.
The transmitter disable is controlled by the Tx Enable bit in the
command register. Setting this bit to zero will not stop the transmitter
immediately but will allow it to complete any tasks presently
underway. It is only when the last character in the TxFIFO and its
stop bit(s) have been transmitted that the transmitter will go to its
disabled state. While the transmitter enable/disable bit in the
command register is at zero the TxFIFO will not accept any more
characters and the Tx Idle and TxRDY bits of the status register set
to zero.
Transmission of ”break”
Transmission of a break character is often needed as a
synchronizing condition in a data stream. The ”break” is defined as a
start bit followed by all zero data bits by a zero parity bit (if parity is
enabled) and a zero in the stop bit position. The forgoing is the
minimum time to define a break. The transmitter can be forced to
send a break (continuous low condition) by issuing a start break
command via the CR. Once the break starts, the TxD output
remains low until the host issues a command to ”stop break” via the
CR or the transmitter is issued a software or hardware reset. In
normal operation the break is usually much longer than one
character time.
1x and 16x modes, Transmitter
The transmitter clocking has two modes: 16x and 1x. Data is
sent at the 1x rate. However the logic of the transmitter may be
operated with a clock that is 16 times faster than the data rate or at
the same rate as the data i.e. 1x. All clocks selected internally for
the transmitter (and the receiver) will be 16x clocks. Only when an
external clock is selected may the transmitter logic and state
machine operate in the 1x mode. The 1x or 16x clocking makes little
difference in transmitter operation. (
This is not true in the receiver)
In the 16X–clock mode the transmitter will recognize a byte in the
TxFIFO within 1/16 to 2/16–bit time and thus begin transmission of
the start bit. In the 1x mode this delay may be up to 2 bit times.
Transmitter FIFO
The FIFO configuration of the as 28L202 is 256 8–bit words.
Interrupt levels may be set to any level within the FIFO size and may
be set differently for each FIFO. Logic associated with the FIFO
encodes the number of empty positions for presentation to the
interrupt arbitration system. The encoding value is the number of
empty positions. Thus, an empty TxFIFO will bid with the value or
255; when full it will not bid at all; one position empty bids with the
value 0. A Full TxFIFO will not bid since no character is available.
Normally TxFIFO will present a bid to the arbitration system
whenever it has one or more empty positions. The Bits of the
TxFIFO Interrupt Level in the MR0(5:4) allow the user to modify this
characteristic so that bidding will not start until one of four levels
(one or more filled, empty, 16 filled, 240 filled, full) have been
reached. As will be shown later this feature may be used to make
moderate improvements in the interrupt service efficiency. A similar
system exists for the Receiver.
The 28L202 is conditioned to transmit data when the transmitter is
enabled through the command register. The transmitter of the
28L202 indicates to the CPU that it is ready to accept a character by
setting the ISR TxRDY bit in the status register. This condition can
be programmed to generate an interrupt request at
or IRQN.
When the transmitter is initially enabled the TxRDY and Tx Idle bits
will be set in the status register. When a character is loaded to the
transmit FIFO the Tx Idle bit will be reset. The Tx Idle bit will not set
until the transmit FIFO is empty and the transmit shift register has
finished transmitting the stop bit of the last character written to the
transmit FIFO.
The TxRDY bit is set whenever the transmitter is enabled and the
TxFIFO is not full. Data is transferred from the holding register to
transmit shift register when it is idle or has completed transmission
of the previous character. Characters cannot be loaded into the
TxFIFO while the transmitter is disabled.
The transmitter converts the parallel data from the CPU to a serial
bit stream on the TxD output pin. It automatically sends a start bit