SENDA: Send Address
Writing a zero to this bit has no effect.
Writing a one to this bit will in multidrop mode send the next character written to THR as an address.
STTTO: Start Time-out
Writing a zero to this bit has no effect.
Writing a one to this bit will abort any current time-out count down, and trigger a new count down when the next character has
been received. CSR.TIMEOUT is also cleared.
STPBRK: Stop Break
Writing a zero to this bit has no effect.
Writing a one to this bit will stop the generation of break signal characters, and then send ones for TTGR.TG duration, or at least
12 bit periods. No effect if no break is being transmitted.
STTBRK: Start Break
Writing a zero to this bit has no effect.
Writing a one to this bit will start transmission of break characters when current characters present in THR and the transmit shift
register have been sent. No effect if a break signal is already being generated. CSR.TXRDY and CSR.TXEMPTY will be
RSTSTA: Reset Status Bits
Writing a zero to this bit has no effect.
Writing a one to this bit will clear the following bits in CSR: PARE, FRAME, OVRE, MANERR, LINBE, LINISFE, LINIPE, LINCE,
TXDIS: Transmitter Disable
Writing a zero to this bit has no effect.
Writing a one to this bit disables the transmitter.
TXEN: Transmitter Enable
Writing a zero to this bit has no effect.
Writing a one to this bit enables the transmitter if TXDIS is zero.
RXDIS: Receiver Disable
Writing a zero to this bit has no effect.
Writing a one to this bit disables the receiver.
RXEN: Receiver Enable
Writing a zero to this bit has no effect.
Writing a one to this bit enables the receiver if RXDIS is zero.
RSTTX: Reset Transmitter
Writing a zero to this bit has no effect.
Writing a one to this bit will reset the transmitter.
RSTRX: Reset Receiver
Writing a zero to this bit has no effect.
Writing a one to this bit will reset the receiver.