NBYTES is updated. If CR.CUP is one, NBYTES is incremented, otherwise NBYTES is
After each data byte has been transmitted, the master transmits an ACK (Acknowledge)
or NAK (Not Acknowledge) bit. If a NAK bit is received by the TWIS, the SR.NAK bit is
set. Note that this is done two CLK_TWIS cycles after TWCK has been sampled by the
TWIS to be HIGH (see
Figure 22-9). The NAK indicates that the transfer is finished, and
the TWIS will wait for a STOP or REPEATED START. If an ACK bit is received, the
SR.NAK bit remains LOW. The ACK indicates that more data should be transmitted,
jump to step 2. At the end of the ACK/NAK clock cycle, the Byte Transfer Finished
(SR.BTF) bit is set. Note that this is done two CLK_TWIS cycles after TWCK has been
sampled by the TWIS to be LOW (see
Figure 22-9). Also note that in the event that
SR.NAK bit is set, it must not be cleared before the SR.BTF bit is set to ensure correct
TWIS behavior.
If STOP is received, SR.TCOMP and SR.STO will be set.
If REPEATED START is received, SR.REP will be set.
The TWI transfers require the receiver to acknowledge each received data byte. During the
acknowledge clock pulse (9th pulse), the slave releases the data line (HIGH), enabling the mas-
ter to pull it down in order to generate the acknowledge. The slave polls the data line during this
clock pulse and sets the NAK bit in SR if the master does not acknowledge the data byte. A NAK
means that the master does not wish to receive additional data bytes. As with the other status
bits, an interrupt can be generated if enabled in the Interrupt Enable Register (IER).
SR.TXRDY is used as Transmit Ready for the Peripheral DMA Controller transmit channel.
The end of the complete transfer is marked by the SR.TCOMP bit changing from zero to one.
Figure 22-7. Slave Transmitter with One Data Byte
Write THR (DATA)
STOP sent by master
NBYTES set to 1