PEB 22554
Functional Description E1
Semiconductor Group
The CRC checking mechanism will be enabled after the first correct multiframe pattern
has been found. However, CRC errors will not be counted in asynchronous state.
In doubleframe asynchronous state, counting of framing errors, CRC4 bit errors and
detection of remote alarm will be stopped. AIS is automatically sent to the backplane
interface (can be disabled via bit FMR2.DAIS). Further on the updating of the registers
RSW, RSP, RSA4-8, RSA6S and RS1-16 will be halted (remote alarm indication,
Sa/Si-bit access).
The multiframe synchronous state is established after detecting two correct multiframe
alignment signals at an interval of n
2 ms (n = 1, 2, 3 …). The Loss of multiframe
alignment flag FRS0.LMFA will be reset. Additionally an interrupt status multiframe
alignment recovery bit ISR2.MFAR is generated with the falling edge of bit FRS0.LMFA.
Automatic Force Resynchronization
In addition, a search for Doubleframe alignment is automatically initiated if two
multiframe pattern with a distance of n
2 ms have not been found within a time interval
of 8 ms after doubleframe alignment has been regained (bit FMR1.AFR). A new search
for frame alignment will be started just after the previous frame alignment signal.
Floating Multiframe Alignment Window
After reaching doubleframe synchronization a 8 ms timer is started. If a multiframe
alignment signal is found during the 8 ms time interval the internal timer will be reset to
remaining 6 ms in order to find the next multiframe signal within this time. If the
multiframe signal is not found for a second time an interrupt status ISR0. T8MS will be
provided. This interrupt will usually occur every 8 ms until multiframe synchronization is
CRC4 Performance Monitoring
In the synchronous state checking of multiframe pattern is disabled. However, with bit
FMR2.ALMF an automatic multiframe resynchronization mode can be activated. If 915
out of 1000 errored CRC submultiframes are found then a false frame alignment will be
assumed and a search for double- and multiframe pattern is initiated. The new search for
frame alignment will be started just after the previous basic frame alignment signal. The
internal CRC4 resynchronization counter will be reset when the multiframe
synchronization has been regained.
Modified CRC4 Multiframe Alignment Algorithm
The modified CRC4 multiframe alignment algorithm allows an automatic interworking
between framers with and without a CRC4 capability. The interworking is realized as it is
described in ITU-T G.706 Appendix B.