PM7323 RCMP-200
200 MBPS
Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc.
and for its Customer’s Internal Use.
The PTIVCII bit indicates a cell with an invalid PTI or VCI field has been
received. When logic 1, the PTIVCII bit indicates one or more VCC cells have
contained PTI='111', one or more VPC cells with an invalid VCI field (VCI 7
through 15) or at least one VP Resource Management cell has been received
with PTI not equal to '110'. This bit is cleared when this register is read.
The OAMERRI bit indicates an OAM cell has been with an incorrect OAM
Type, Function Type or Error Detection Code field. When logic 1, the
OAMERRI bit indicates one or more errored OAM cells have been received.
This bit is cleared when this register is read. Note that the assertion of the
OAMERRI bit for OAM cells with incorrect OAM Type or Function Type fields is
dependent on the state of the CNTUNDEF bit of the CRAM Configuration
register (register 0x20). If CNTUNDEF is a logic 1, then only OAM cells with
an incorrect Error Detection Code field (i.e. CRC-10 errors) will result in an
assertion of the OAMERRI bit.
The CCI bit indicates a Continuity Check alarm has changed state. When
logic 1, the CCI bit indicates the "CC_alarm" bit in the VC Table has changed
for one or more virtual connections. This bit is cleared when this register is
If the CCVC bit of the Master Configuration register is a logic 1, the Latest
Alarmed Virtual Connection register is updated with the VC Table index for the
virtual connection simultaneously with the setting of the CCI bit.
The POLI bit indicates a non-compliant cell has been received. When logic 1,
the POLI bit indicates one or more cells have violated the traffic contract
since the last read of this register. This bit is cleared when this register is
If the POLVC bit of the Master Configuration register is a logic 1, the Latest
Alarmed Virtual Connection register is updated with the VC Table index for the
virtual connection simultaneously with the setting of the POLI bit.