PM7323 RCMP-200
200 MBPS
Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc.
and for its Customer’s Internal Use.
The CLKRATE bit must be set to 1. The CLKRATE bit set to 1 selects a 25
MHz SYSCLK frequency. Other rates are allowable, but fault monitoring cells
and alarms will not be generated at correct intervals. The CLKRATE bit has
no effect if the SEL1SEC bit is a logic 1. NB. This bit defaults to 0 to be
compatible with the PM7322 RCMP-800.
The SEL1SEC bit determines the trigger for processing that relies on an one
second clock, such as AIS and RDI cell generation. If SEL1SEC is a logic 0,
the one second clock is derived from the SYSCLK, which is assumed to be
25. If SEL1SEC is a logic 1, processing is initiated on the rising edge of the
ONESEC input.
The XPOLVC (excessive policing) bit enables the updating of the Latest
Alarmed Virtual Connection register (0x07) upon the receipt of a cell
belonging to a connection which has a one in the most significant bit position
of one of the Non-Compliant Cell Count fields. If XPOLVC is a logic 1, the
Latest Alarmed Virtual Connection register will be loaded with the VC Table
index of the corresponding virtual connection.
This functionality allows long integration intervals for well behaved
connections, while providing the ability to transfer the Non-Compliant Cell
Counts of unrestrained connections before they saturate.
The CCVC bit enables the updating of the Latest Alarmed Virtual Connection
register (0x07) upon the change in a Continuity Check alarm status. If CCVC
is a logic 1, the Latest Alarmed Virtual Connection register will be loaded with
the VC Table index corresponding to the virtual connection whose “CC_alarm”
bit has changed.
The POLVC bit enables the updating of the Latest Alarmed Virtual
Connection register (0x07) upon the receipt of a cell violating a traffic
contract. If POLVC is a logic 1, the Latest Alarmed Virtual Connection
register will be loaded with the VC Table index corresponding to the virtual
connection whose "POLI" bit has been asserted.