Switching Clock Source
When switching between any clock sources, the clock system ensures that no glitch occurs in the main clock.
Default Clock Source
The calibrated internal 8 MHz oscillator is always selected as main clock when the device is powered up or has been
reset. The synchronous system clock is the main clock divided by 8, controlled by the System Clock Prescaler. The Clock
System Clock Prescaler
The system clock is derived from the main clock via the System Clock Prescaler. The system clock can be divided by
consumption at times when requirements for processing power is low or to bring the system clock within limits of
maximum frequency. The prescaler can be used with all main clock source options, and it will affect the clock frequency
of the CPU and all synchronous peripherals.
The System Clock Prescaler can be used to implement run-time changes of the internal clock frequency while still
ensuring stable operation.
Switching Prescaler Setting
When switching between prescaler settings, the system clock prescaler ensures that no glitch occurs in the system clock
and that no intermediate frequency is higher than neither the clock frequency corresponding the previous setting, nor the
clock frequency corresponding to the new setting.
The ripple counter that implements the prescaler runs at the frequency of the main clock, which may be faster than the
CPU's clock frequency. Hence, it is not possible to determine the state of the prescaler - even if it were readable, and the
exact time it takes to switch from one clock division to another cannot be exactly predicted.
From the time the CLKPS values are written, it takes between T1 + T2 and T1 + 2*T2 before the new clock frequency is
active. In this interval, two active clock edges are produced. Here, T1 is the previous clock period, and T2 is the period
corresponding to the new prescaler setting.
Starting from Reset
The internal reset is immediately asserted when a reset source goes active. The internal reset is kept asserted until the
reset source is released and the start-up sequence is completed. The start-up sequence includes three steps, as follows.
The first step after the reset source has been released consists of the device counting the reset start-up time. The
purpose of this reset start-up time is to ensure that supply voltage has reached sufficient levels. The reset start-up
time is counted using the internal 128 kHz oscillator. See
Table 6-1 for details of reset start-up time.
Note that the actual supply voltage is not monitored by the start-up logic. The device will count until the reset start-
up time has elapsed even if the device has reached sufficient supply voltage levels earlier.
The second step is to count the oscillator start-up time, which ensures that the calibrated internal oscillator has
reached a stable state before it is used by the other parts of the system. The calibrated internal oscillator needs to
oscillate for a minimum number of cycles before it can be considered stable. See
Table 6-1 for details of the oscil-
lator start-up time.
The last step before releasing the internal reset is to load the calibration and the configuration values from the
Non-Volatile Memory to configure the device properly. The configuration time is listed in
Table 6-1.