MC9S08SG32 Data Sheet, Rev. 7
Freescale Semiconductor
Chapter 5
Resets, Interrupts, and General System Control
This section discusses basic reset and interrupt mechanisms and the various sources of reset and interrupt
in the MC9S08SG32 Series. Some interrupt sources from peripheral modules are discussed in greater
detail within other sections of this data sheet. This section gathers basic information about all reset and
interrupt sources in one place for easy reference. A few reset and interrupt sources, including the computer
operating properly (COP) watchdog are not part of on-chip peripheral systems with their own chapters.
Reset and interrupt features include:
Multiple sources of reset for exible system conguration and reliable operation
System reset status register (SRS) to indicate source of most recent reset
Separate interrupt vector for each module (reduces polling overhead) (see
Table 5-2)
MCU Reset
Resetting the MCU provides a way to start processing from a known set of initial conditions. During reset,
most control and status registers are forced to initial values and the program counter is loaded from the
reset vector (0xFFFE:0xFFFF). On-chip peripheral modules are disabled and I/O pins are initially
congured as general-purpose high-impedance inputs with pull-up devices disabled. The I bit in the
condition code register (CCR) is set to block maskable interrupts so the user program has a chance to
initialize the stack pointer (SP) and system control settings. SP is forced to 0x00FF at reset.
The MC9S08SG32 Series has the following sources for reset:
Power-on reset (POR)
External pin reset (PIN)
Low-voltage detect (LVD)
Computer operating properly (COP) timer
Illegal opcode detect (ILOP)
Illegal address detect (ILAD) - any address in memory map that is listed as unimplemented will
produce an illegal address reset
Background debug forced reset
Each of these sources, with the exception of the background debug forced reset, has an associated bit in
the system reset status register (SRS).