*Valid / Invalid control of search range (Search Window Kill: SKILL)
This is used for Field/Frame/Field Dual-Prime/Frame Dual-Prime modes and shows whether they are
valid or invalid with regard to the motion estimation range during the next execution cycle. When the
horizontal search range is ±15.5 or more, it is necessary to give valid/invalid information for the search
range multiple times within a 1MB processing time (1 processing cycle = 2,4,8 or 16 x (550/806 cycles)).
The range of vector which is invalidated by the SKILL differs according to modes (Field, Frame, Dual-
Prime, horizontal search range, etc.).
See Ch. 5.1 for detail on the search invalidation control.
DCNT is assigned as follows:
DCNT [3]:
Upper direction is invalid
0: Valid
DCNT [2]:
Lower direction is invalid
0: Valid
DCNT [1]:
Left direction is invalid
0: Valid
DCNT [0]:
Right direction is invalid
0: Valid
1: Invalid (Search top end)
1: Invalid (Search bottom end)
1: Invalid (Search left end)
1: Invalid (Search right end)
*Position of leading image in vertical direction for the first search window data for Dual-Prime
This is used for Field/Frame Dual-Prime mode. The DVSPO1 indicates the first pixel in the 32 bit
word for the first search window data. As far as the timing for entering the above controls, they are
input during the same execution cycle when the first search window is input and is used during the next
execution cycle.
DCNT is assigned as follows:
DCNT [3:0]
0000: The leading pixel is at DSWI [31:24]
DCNT [3:0]
0001: The leading pixel is at DSWI [23:16]
DCNT [3:0]
0010: The leading pixel is at DSWI [15:8]
DCNT [3:0]
0011: The leading pixel is at DSWI [7:0]
*Position of leading image in vertical direction for the second search window data for Dual-Prime
This is used for Field/Frame Dual-Prime mode. The DVSPO2 indicates the first pixel in the 32 bit
word for the first search window data. As far as the timing for entering the above controls, they are
input during the same execution cycle when the first search window is input and is used during the next
execution cycle.
DCNT is assigned as follows:
DCNT [3:0]
0000: The leading pixel is at DSWI [31:24]
DCNT [3:0]
0001: The leading pixel is at DSWI [23:16]
DCNT [3:0]
0010: The leading pixel is at DSWI [15:8]
DCNT [3:0]
0011: The leading pixel is at DSWI [7: 0]
*The center position of the first search window data for Dual-Prime (DCNTR1)
This setting is used for the Field/Frame Dual-Prime mode. It indicates the center position of the first
search window data used for Dual-Prime (0.5 pixel unit displacement from 16x16 position within
18x18(10) field data). It is input at the same time when the first search window image is input and is
used for calculation of the next execution cycle.