38B7 Group
(2) 8-bit serial I/O mode
Address 001B16 is assigned to the serial I/O1 register.
When the internal synchronous clock is selected, a serial transfer
of the 8-bit serial I/O is started by a write signal to the serial I/O1
register (address 001B16).
The serial transfer status flag (b5 of address 001A16) of serial I/O1
control register 2 indicates the shift register status of serial I/O1,
and is set to “1” by writing into the serial I/O1 register, which be-
comes a transfer start trigger and reset to “0” after completion of
8-bit transfer. At the same time, a serial I/O1 interrupt request oc-
When the external synchronous clock is selected, the contents of
the serial I/O1 register are continuously shifted while transfer
clocks are input to SCLK1. Therefore, the clock needs to be con-
trolled externally.
(3) Automatic transfer serial I/O mode
The serial I/O1 automatic transfer controller controls the write and
read operations of the serial I/O1 register, so that the function of
address 001B16 is used as a transfer counter (1-byte unit).
When performing serial transfer through the serial I/O automatic
transfer RAM (addresses 0F0016 to 0FFF16), it is necessary to set
the serial I/O1 automatic transfer data pointer (address 001816)
Input the low-order 8 bits of the first data store address to be seri-
ally transferred to the automatic transfer data pointer set bits.
When the internal synchronous clock is selected, the transfer in-
terval for each 1-byte data can be set by the automatic transfer
interval set bits (b0 to b4 of address 001C16) of serial I/O1 control
register 3 in the following cases:
1. When using no handshake signal
2. When using the SRDY1 output, SBUSY1 output, and SSTB1 output
of the handshake signal independently
3. When using a combination of SRDY1 output and SSTB1 output or
a combination of SBUSY1 output and SSTB1 output of the hand-
shake signal.
It is possible to select one of 32 different values, namely 2 to 33
cycles of the transfer clock, as a setting value.
When using the SBUSY1 output and selecting the SBUSY1 output
SSTB1 output function selection bit (b4 of address 001A16) of serial
I/O1 control register 2 as the signal for all transfer data, provided
that the automatic transfer interval setting is valid, a transfer inter-
val is placed before the start of transmission/reception of the first
data and after the end of transmission/reception of the last data.
For SSTB1 output, regardless of the contents of the SBUSY1 output
SSTB1 output function selection bit (b4), the transfer interval for
each 1-byte data is longer than the set value by 2 cycles.
Furthermore, when using a combination of SBUSY1 output and
SSTB1 output as a signal for all transfer data, the transfer interval
after the end of transmission/reception of the last data is longer
than the set value by 2 cycles.
When the external synchronous clock is selected, automatic trans-
fer interval setting is disabled.
After completion of the above bit setup, if the internal synchronous
clock is selected, automatic serial transfer is started by writing the
value of “number of transfer bytes – 1” into the transfer counter
(address 001B16).
When the external synchronous clock is selected, write the value
of “number of transfer bytes – 1” into the transfer counter and
keep an internal system clock interval of 5 cycles or more. After
that, input transfer clock to SCLK1.
As a transfer interval for each 1-byte data transfer, keep an inter-
nal system clock interval of 5 cycles or more from the clock rise
time of the last bit.
Regardless of whether the internal or external synchronous clock
is selected, the automatic transfer data pointer and the transfer
counter are decremented after each 1-byte data is received and
then written into the automatic transfer RAM. The serial transfer
status flag (b5 of address 001A16) is set to “1” by writing data into
the transfer counter. Writing data becomes a transfer start trigger,
and the serial transfer status flag is reset to “0” after the last data
is written into the automatic transfer RAM. At the same time, a se-
rial I/O1 interrupt request occurs.
The values written in the automatic transfer data pointer set bits
(b0 to b7 of address 001816) and the automatic transfer interval
set bits (b0 to b4 of address 001C16) are held in the latch.
When data is written into the transfer counter, the values latched
in the automatic transfer data pointer set bits (b0 to b7) and the
automatic transfer interval set bits (b0 to b4) are transferred to the
decrement counter.
Fig. 24 Structure of serial I/O1 automatic transfer data pointer
Serial I/O1 automatic transfer data pointer
(SIO1DP: address 001816)
Automatic transfer data pointer set bits
Specify the low-order 8 bits of the first data store address on the serial I/O automatic
transfer RAM. Data is written into the latch and read from the decrement counter.