Aug 28, 2006
page 109 of 113
7641 Group
When the USB Reset Interrupt Status Flag is kept at “1”, all other
flags in the USB internal registers (addresses 005016 to 005F16)
will return to their reset status. However, the following registers
are not affected by the USB reset: USB control register (address
001316), Frequency synthesizer control register (address
006C16), Clock control register (address 001F16), and USB end-
point-x FIFO register (addresses 006016 to 006416).
When not using the USB function, set the USB Line Driver Supply
Enable Bit of the USB control register (address 001316) to “1” for
power supply to the internal circuits (at Vcc = 5V).
When using an isochronous transfer, set the FLUSH Bit (bit 6 of
address 005916 and bit 6 of address 005A16) as follows:
IN FIFO: use AUTO_FLUSH Bit (bit 6 of address 005816)
OUT FIFO: when OUT_PKT_RDY Bit is “1”, set FLUSH Bit to “1”
When the USB SOF Port Select Bit is “1”, the reference pulse of
83.3 ns (
φ = 12 MHz) is output from the P70/SOF pin and syn-
chronized with the SOF packet.
If a character bit length is 7 bits, bit 7 of the UARTx transmit/re-
ceive buffer register 1 and bits 0 to 7 of the UARTx transmit/
receive buffer register 2 are ignored at transmitting; they are in-
valid at receiving.
If a character bit length is 8 bits, bits 0 to 7 of the UARTx transmit/
receive buffer register 2 are ignored at transmitting; they are in-
valid at receiving.
If a character bit length is 9 bits, bits 1 to 7 of the UARTx transmit/
receive buffer register 2 are ignored at transmitting; they are “0”
at receiving.
The IN_PKT_RDY Bit can be set by software even when using
the AUTO_SET function.
When writing to USB-related registers, set the USB Clock Enable
Bit to “1”, then perform the write after four
φ cycle waits.
When using the MCU at Vcc = 3.3V, set the USB Line Driver Sup-
ply Enable Bit to “0” (line driver disable). Note that setting the
USB Line Driver Current Control Bit (USBC3) doesn’t affect the
USB operation.
Read one packet data from the OUT FIFO before clearing the
OUT_PKT_RDY Flag. If the OUT_PKT_RDY Flag is cleared
while one packet data is being read, the internal read pointer can-
not operate normally.
Use the AUTO_FLUSH Bit (bit 6 of address 005816) in double
buffer mode.
Use the transfer instructions such as LDA and STA to set the reg-
isters: USB interrupt status registers 1, 2 (addresses 005216,
005316); USB endpoint 0 IN control register (address 005916);
USB endpoint x IN control register (address 005916); USB end-
point x OUT control register (address 005A16). Do not use the
read-modify-write instructions such as the SEB or the CLB in-
When writing to bits shown by Table 32 using the transfer instruc-
tion such as LDA or STA, a value which never affect its bit state
is required. Take the following sequence to change these bits
(1) Store the register contents onto a variable or a data register.
(2) Change the target bit on the variable or the data register. Si-
multaneously mask the bit so that its bit state cannot be
changed. (See to Table 39.)
(3) Write the value from the variable or the data register to the
register using the transfer instruction such as LDA or STA.
To use the AUTO_SET function for an IN transfer when the
AUTO_SET bit is set to 1, set the FIFO to single buffer mode.
Table 17 Bits of which state might be changed owing to software write
Register name
USB endpoint 0 IN control register
USB endpoint x (x = 1 to 4) IN control register
USB endpoint x (x = 1 to 4) OUT control register
Bit name
Value not affecting state (Note)
Note: Writing this value will not change the bit state, because this value cannot be written to the bit by software.