M36WT864TF, M36WT864BF
The following commands are the basic commands
used to read, write to and configure the device.
Refer to Table 5, Standard Commands, in con-
junction with the following text descriptions.
Read Array Command
The Read Array command returns the addressed
bank to Read Array mode. One Bus Write cycle is
required to issue the Read Array command and re-
turn the addressed bank to Read Array mode.
Subsequent read operations will read the ad-
dressed location and output the data. A Read Ar-
ray command can be issued in one bank while
programming or erasing in another bank. However
if a Read Array command is issued to a bank cur-
rently executing a Program or Erase operation the
command will be executed but the output data is
not guaranteed.
Read Status Register Command
The Status Register indicates when a Program or
Erase operation is complete and the success or
failure of operation itself. Issue a Read Status
Register command to read the Status Register
content. The Read Status Register command can
be issued at any time, even during Program or
Erase operations.
The following read operations output the content
of the Status Register of the addressed bank. The
Status Register is latched on the falling edge of E
or G signals, and can be read until E or G returns
to V
. Either E or G must be toggled to update the
latched data. See Table 8 for the description of the
Status Register Bits. This mode supports asyn-
chronous or single synchronous reads only.
Read Electronic Signature Command
The Read Electronic Signature command reads
the Manufacturer and Device Codes, the Block
Locking Status, the Protection Register, and the
Configuration Register.
The Read Electronic Signature command consists
of one write cycle to an address within one of the
banks. A subsequent Read operation in the same
bank will output the Manufacturer Code, the De-
vice Code, the protection Status of the blocks in
the targeted bank, the Protection Register, or the
Configuration Register (see Table 6).
If a Read Electronic Signature command is issued
in a bank that is executing a Program or Erase op-
eration the bank will go into Read Electronic Sig-
nature mode, subsequent Bus Read cycles will
output the Electronic Signature data and the Pro-
gram/Erase controller will continue to program or
erase in the background. This mode supports
asynchronous or single synchronous reads only, it
does not support page mode or synchronous burst
Read CFI Query Command
The Read CFI Query command is used to read
data from the Common Flash Interface (CFI). The
Read CFI Query Command consists of one Bus
Write cycle, to an address within one of the banks.
Once the command is issued subsequent Bus
Read operations in the same bank read from the
Common Flash Interface.
If a Read CFI Query command is issued in a bank
that is executing a Program or Erase operation the
bank will go into Read CFI Query mode, subse-
quent Bus Read cycles will output the CFI data
and the Program/Erase controller will continue to
Program or Erase in the background. This mode
supports asynchronous or single synchronous
reads only, it does not support page mode or syn-
chronous burst reads.
The status of the other banks is not affected by the
command (see Table 11). After issuing a Read
CFI Query command, a Read Array command
should be issued to the addressed bank to return
the bank to Read Array mode.
See Appendix C, Common Flash Interface, Tables
34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 40, 41, 42 and 43 for details on
the information contained in the Common Flash In-
terface memory area.
Clear Status Register Command
The Clear Status Register command can be used
to reset (set to ‘0’) error bits 1, 3, 4 and 5 in the Sta-
tus Register. One bus write cycle is required to is-
sue the Clear Status Register command. After the
Clear Status Register command the bank returns
to read mode.
The error bits in the Status Register do not auto-
matically return to ‘0’ when a new command is is-
sued. The error bits in the Status Register should
be cleared before attempting a new Program or
Erase command.
Block Erase Command
The Block Erase command can be used to erase
a block. It sets all the bits within the selected block
to ’1’. All previous data in the block is lost. If the
block is protected then the Erase operation will
abort, the data in the block will not be changed and
the Status Register will output the error. The Block
Erase command can be issued at any moment, re-
gardless of whether the block has been pro-
grammed or not.
Two Bus Write cycles are required to issue the
The first bus cycle sets up the Erase command.
The second latches the block address in the
internal state machine and starts the Program/
Erase Controller.