Aug 28, 2006
page 66 of 119
7643 Group
Slow Memory Wait
The 7643 Group is equipped with the slow memory wait function
(Software wait, RDY wait, and Extended RDY wait: software wait
plus RDY input anytime wait) for easier interfacing with external
devices that have long access times. The slow memory wait func-
tion can be enabled in the memory expansion mode and
microprocessor mode. The appropriate wait mode is selected by
setting bits 0 to 3 of CPU mode register B (address 000116). This
function can extend the read cycle or write cycle only for access to
an external memory. However, this wait function cannot be en-
abled for access to addresses 000816 to 000F16.
(1) Software wait
The software wait is selected by setting “00” to the Slow Memory
Wait Mode Select Bits of CPU mode register B (address 000116).
Read/write cycles (“L” width of RD pin/WR pin) can be extended
by one to three
φ cycles. The number of cycles to be extended can
be selected with the Slow Memory Wait Select Bits. When the
software wait function is selected, the RDY pin status becomes in-
(2) RDY wait
RDY Wait is selected by setting “10” to the Slow Memory Wait
Mode Select Bits of CPU mode register B (address 000116). When
a fixed time of “L” is input to the RDY pin at the beginning of a
read/write cycle (before
φ cycle falls), the MCU goes to the RDY
state. The read/write cycle can then be extended by one to three
cycles. The number of
φ cycles to be added can be selected by
the Slow Memory Wait Bits.
(3) Software wait + Extended RDY wait
Extended RDY Wait is selected by setting “11” to the Slow
Memory Wait Mode Select Bits of CPU mode register B (address
000116). The read/write cycle can be extended when a fixed time
of “L” is input to the RDY pin at the beginning of a read/write cycle
φ cycle falls). The RDY pin state is checked continually at
each fall of
φ cycle until the RDY pin goes to “H”. When “H” is in-
put to the RDY pin, the wait is released within 1, 2, or 3
φ cycles
(as selected with the Slow Memory Wait Bits).
Fig. 64 Software wait timing diagram
CPMB = 0016
CPMB = 0116
1-cycle software wait
No wait
CPMB = 0216
2-cycle software wait
CPMB = 0316
3-cycle software wait
Note: This diagram assumes
φ = XIN/2.
Fig. 65 RDY wait timing diagram
CPMB = 0816
CPMB = 0916
CPMB = 0A16
CPMB = 0B16
1-cycle RDY wait
No wait
2-cycle RDY wait
3-cycle RDY wait
Note: This diagram assumes
φ = XIN/2.