Aug 28, 2006
page 33 of 119
7643 Group
q UART Address Mode
The UART address mode is intended for use to communicate be-
tween the specified MCUs in a multi-MCU environment. The
UART address mode can be used in either an 8-bit or 9-bit char-
acter length. An address is identified by the MSB of the incoming
data being “1”. The bit is “0” for non-address data.
When the MSB of the incoming data is “0” in the UART address
mode, the Receive Buffer Full Flag is set to “1”, but the Receive
Buffer Full Interrupt Request Bit is not set to “1”. When the MSB of
the incoming data is “1”, normal receive operation is performed. In
the UART address mode an overrun error is not detected for re-
ception of the 2nd and onward bytes. An occurrence of framing
error or parity error sets the Summing Error Interrupt Request Bit
to “1” and the data is not received independent of its MSB con-
Usage of UART address mode is explained as follows:
(1) Set the UART Address Mode Enable Bit to “1”.
(2) Sends the address data of a slave MCU first from a host MCU
to all slave MCUs. The MSB of address data must be “1” and
the remaining 7 bits specify the address.
(3) The all slave MCUs automatically check for the received data
whether its stop bit is valid or not, and whether the parity error
occurs or not (when the parity enabled). If these errors occur,
the Framing Error Flag or Parity Error Flag and the Summing
Error Flag are set to “1”. Then, the Summing Error Interrupt
Request Bit is also set to “1”.
(4) When received data has no error, the all slave MCUs must
judge whether the address of the received address data
matches with their own addresses by a program. After the
MSB being “1” is received, the UART Address Mode Enable
Bit is automatically set to “0” (disabled).
(5) The UART Address Mode Enable Bit of the slave MCUs which
have be judged that the address does not match with them
must be set to “1” (enabled) again by a program to disable re-
ception of the following data.
(6) Transmit the data of which MSB is “0” from the host MCU. The
slave MCUs disabling the UART address mode receive the
data, and their Receive Buffer Full Flags and the Receive
Buffer Full Interrupt Request Bits are set to “1”. For the other
slave MCUs enabling the UART address mode, their Receive
Buffer Full Flag are set to “1”, but their Receive Buffer Full In-
terrupt Request Bits are not set to “1”.
(7) An overrun error cannot be detected after the first data has
been received in UART Address Mode. Accordingly, even if
the slave MCUs does not read the received data and the next
data has been received, an overrun error does not occur.
Thus, a communication between a host MCU and the specified
MCU can be realized.
[UART Mode Register (UMOD)] 003016
The UART mode register consists of 8 bits which set a transfer
data format and an used clock.
[UART Baud Rate Generator (UBRG)] 003116
The UART baud rate generator determines the baud rate for trans-
The baud rate generator divides the frequency of the count source
by 1/(n + 1), where n is the value written to the baud rate genera-
The reset cannot affect the contents of baud rate generator.
[UART Status Register (USTS)] 003216
The read-only UART status register consists of seven flags (bits 0
to 6) which indicate the UART operating status and various errors.
When the UART address mode is enabled , the setting and clear-
ing conditions of each flag differ from the following explanations.
These differences are explained in section “UART Address
Transmit complete flag (TCM)
In the case where no data is contained in the transmit buffer reg-
ister, the Transmit Complete Flag (TCM) is set to “1” when the last
bit in the transmit shift register is transmitted.
The TCM flag is also set to “1” at reset or initialization by setting
the Transmit Initialization Bit (bit 2 of UCON). It is set to “0” when
transmission starts, and it is kept during the transmission.
Transmit buffer empty flag (TBE)
The Transmit Buffer Empty Flag (TBE) is set to “1” when the con-
tents of the transmit buffer register are loaded into the transmit
shift register. The TBE flag is also set “1” at the hardware reset or
initialization by setting the Transmit Initialization Bit. It is set to “0”
when a write operation is performed to the low-order byte of the
transmit buffer register.
Receive buffer full flag (RBF)
The Receive Buffer Full Flag (RBF) is set to “1” when the last stop
bit of the data is received. The RBF flag is set to “0” when the low-
order byte of the receive buffer register is read, at the hardware
reset or initialization by setting the Transmit Initialization Bit.
qReceive Errors
If there is an error, it is detected at the same time that data is
transferred from the receive shift register to the receive buffer reg-
ister, and the Receive Buffer Full Flag is set to “1”. The all error
flags PER, FER, OER and SER are cleared to “0” when the UART
status register is read, at the hardware reset or initialization by
setting the Transmit Initialization Bit.
The Summing Error Flag (SER) is set to “1” when any one of the
PER, FER and OER is set to “1”.
The Parity Error Flag (PER) is set to “1” when the sum total of 1s
of received data and the parity does not correspond with the se-
lection with the Parity Select Bit (PMD). It is enabled only if the
Parity Enable Bit (bit 5 of UMOD) is set to “1”.