M32C/8B Group
2. Central Processing Unit (CPU)
REJ03B0242-0100 Rev.1.00 Nov 01, 2009
Page 19 of 67
General Registers
Data Registers (R0, R1, R2, and R3)
R0, R1, R2, and R3 are 16-bit registers for transfer, arithmetic and logic operations. R0 and R1 can be split into
high-order (R0H/R1H) and low-order bits (R0L/R1L) to be used separately as 8-bit data registers.
R0 can be combined with R2 and used as a 32-bit data register (R2R0). The same applies to R3R1.
Address Registers (A0 and A1)
A0 and A1 are 24-bit registers used for A0-/A1-indirect addressing, A0-/A1-relative addressing, transfer,
arithmetic and logic operations.
Static Base Register (SB)
SB is a 24-bit register used for SB-relative addressing.
Frame Base Register (FB)
FB is a 24-bit register used for FB-relative addressing.
User Stack Pointer (USP) and Interrupt Stack Pointer (ISP)
The stack pointers (SP), USP and ISP, are 24 bits wide each. The U flag is used to switch between USP and ISP.
interrupt sequence efficiently.
Interrupt Table Register (INTB)
INTB is a 24-bit register indicating the starting address of a relocatable interrupt vector table.
Program Counter (PC)
PC is 24 bits wide and indicates the address of the next instruction to be executed.
Flag Register (FLG)
FLG is a 16-bit register indicating the CPU state.
Carry Flag (C)
The C flag indicates whether or not carry or borrow has been generated after executing an instruction.
Debug Flag (D)
The D flag is for debugging only. Set it to 0.
Zero Flag (Z)
The Z flag becomes 1 when an arithmetic operation results in 0; otherwise becomes 0.
Sign Flag (S)
The S flag becomes 1 when an arithmetic operation results in a negative value; otherwise becomes 0.
Register Bank Select Flag (B)
Register bank 0 is selected when the B flag is set to 0. Register bank 1 is selected when this flag is set to 1.
Overflow Flag (O)
The O flag becomes 1 when an arithmetic operation results in an overflow; otherwise becomes 0.