Tentative Specifications REV.C1
Specifications in this manual are tentative and subject to change.
Mitsubishi microcomputers
M30100/M30101/M30102 Group
value. When a trigger from the external INT0 pin is used, set the INT0 input enable bit (INT0EN) to "1
". (Timer Z still remains idle at the time the timer Z count start flag is set to 1.)
Timer Z starts counting by writing 1 to the timer Z one-shot start bit or writing 1 to the INT0 pin one-shot
trigger control bit to enable the INT0 pin trigger and applying a valid trigger to the INT0 pin. While timer
Z is counting the timer Z primary, the TZOUT pin output retains its initial value intact. When the timer
underflows, it is reloaded with the timer Z secondary and the TZOUT pin output is inverted simulta-
neously with it. The next time timer Z underflows, the TZOUT pin output is inverted again and the timer
stops. The one-shot start bit is also set to 1 in hardware when an INT0 pin trigger is received. When
the INT0 input polarity bit (INT0PL) is set to one edge "0", the active trigger edge on the INT0 pin can
be chosen to be the falling or the rising edge by using the INT0 pin one-shot trigger polarity select bit.
When both rising and falling edges are set as an active trigger edge, set INT0PL to "1".
One-shot pulse output can be forcibly turned off by writing 0 to the timer Z one-shot start bit during a
wait period or a one-shot pulse output period.
To alter the set values in programmable wait one-shot pulse generation mode, set the timer Z second-
ary and then the timer Z primary. The set values are reflected collectively beginning with the next wait
period after writing to the timer Z primary. (Even when writing while the timer is idle, the timer Z primary
is always the last register to be written.)
Change of set count values
When altering the set count values in programmable wait one-shot generation mode, note that the set
value of the timer Z secondary, the primary waveform extension and secondary waveform extension
control bits are made effective by setting the timer Z primary. Therefore, even when the set value of
the timer Z primary does not need to be altered, be sure to write the already set value to the timer Z
primary again.
Use of the waveform extend function
The waveform extend function based on timer Z waveform extension control bits is useful only when
the value “0016” is set in prescaler Z. If any other value is set in prescaler Z, always be sure to set the
timer Z primary waveform extension and timer Z secondary waveform extension control bits to 0. Note
also that if timer Y underflow is selected for the count source, the waveform extend function cannot be
used either.
Timer Z write mode
When operating in programmable wait one-shot pulse generation mode, always be sure to set the
timer Z write control bit to 1, thereby choosing to write to the reload register.
In any operation mode, timer Z can be made to stop counting by setting the timer Z count start flag to
0. When timer Z underflows, the timer Z interrupt request bit is set to 1.