VREFO+ (Pin 1): 3.15V to 3.45V Positive Supply Pin for
REFO Circuitry. This pin should be bypassed directly to
the ground plane using a 0.1μF ceramic capacitor as close
to the pin as possible.
REFO (Pin 2): Reference Frequency Output. This produces
a low noise square wave, buffered from the REF± differential
inputs. The output is self-biased and must be AC-coupled
with a 22nF capacitor.
STAT (Pin 3): Status Output. This signal is a configurable
logical OR combination of the UNLOK, LOK, THI and TLO
status bits, programmable via the STATUS register. See
the Operations section for more details.
CS (Pin 4): Serial Port Chip Select. This CMOS input initi-
ates a serial port communication burst when driven low,
ending the burst when driven back high. See the Operations
section for more details.
SCLK (Pin 5): Serial Port Clock. This CMOS input clocks
serial port input data on its rising edge. See the Operations
section for more details.
SDI (Pin 6): Serial Port Data Input. The serial port uses
this CMOS input for data. See the Operations section for
more details.
SDO (Pin 7): Serial Port Data Output. This CMOS three-
state output presents data from the serial port during a
read communication burst. Optionally attach a resistor
of >200k to GND to prevent a floating output. See the
Operations section for more details.
VD+ (Pin 8): 3.15V to 3.45V Positive Supply Pin for Serial
Port Circuitry. This pin should be bypassed directly to the
ground plane using a 0.1μF ceramic capacitor as close to
the pin as possible.
MUTE (Pin 9): RF Mute. The CMOS active-low input mutes
the RF± differential outputs while maintaining internal bias
levels for quick response to de-assertion.
GND (Pins 10, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21): Negative Power Supply
(Ground). These pins should be tied directly to the ground
plane with multiple vias for each pin.
RF–, RF+ (Pins 11, 12):
RF Output Signals. The VCO
output divider is buffered and presented differentially on
these pins. The outputs are open collector, with 136Ω
(typical) pull-up resistors tied to VRF+ to aid impedance
matching. If used single-ended, the unused output should
be terminated to 50Ω. See the Applications Information
section for more details on impedance matching.
VRF+ (Pin 13): 3.15V to 3.45V Positive Supply Pin for
RF Circuitry. This pin should be bypassed directly to the
ground plane using a 0.01μF ceramic capacitor as close
to the pin as possible.
BB (Pin 14): RF Reference Bypass. This output must be
bypassed with a 1.0μF ceramic capacitor to GND. Do not
couple this pin to any other signal.
VCO–, VCO+ (Pins 15, 16):
VCO Input Signals. The dif-
ferential signal placed on these pins is buffered with a low
noise amplifier and fed to the internal output and feedback
dividers. These self-biased inputs must be AC-coupled
and present a single-ended 121Ω (typical) resistance
to aid impedance matching. They may be used single-
ended by bypassing VCO– to GND with a capacitor. See
the Applications Information section for more details on
impedance matching.
VVCO+ (Pin 22): 3.15V to 3.45V Positive Supply Pin for
VCO Circuitry. This pin should be bypassed directly to the
ground plane using a 0.01μF ceramic capacitor as close
to the pin as possible.
GND (23): Negative Power Supply (Ground). This pin is
attached directly to the die attach paddle (DAP) and should
be tied directly to the ground plane.
Pump Circuitry. This pin should be bypassed directly to
the ground plane using a 0.1μF ceramic capacitor as close
to the pin as possible.
CP (Pin 25): Charge Pump Output. This bi-directional cur-
rent output is normally connected to the external loop filter.
See the Applications Information section for more details.