This document is the property of International Rectifier and may not be copied or distributed without expressed consent.
Figure 10. Communication Status Indicator
If you disable status polling in the Connection dialog, ServoDesigner does not attempt to establish contact
with the reference platform, and the COM port status shows “Inactive” even after you open a configuration file.
Step 3. Motor Configuration
The Configure Motor function is one of the pre-defined operations in ServoDesigner’s Function Definitions section.
This function initializes the host registers for normal operation. If you click the Configure Motor entry in the tree
view, a list of the registers that are written when this operation is executed is displayed in the right pane of the main
window. The “Value to Write” column shows the value that will be written to each register. You can click the “+”
symbol to the left of the Configure Motor function to access detailed information about each of the registers.
To execute the Configure Motor function, click the Configure Motor toolbar button (the icon shows a hammer
and wrench) or double-click on the Configure Motor entry in the tree view.
Once this function is executed correctly, the LED will turn to blinking green.
Step 4. Starting Angle
For induction motor operation, skip this step. This function reads the Hall A, B, C inputs and uses the motor magnet
position data read from your configuration file to determine the starting position of the motor. (See “ServoDesinger
User’s Guide” for more information about motor configuration parameters.)
To execute the function, click the Starting Angle toolbar button (the icon shows the characters “ABC”) or
double-click the Starting Angle entry in the tree view.
Step 5. Running the Motor
Start Motor and Stop Motor functions are also pre-defined Function Definitions.
To start the motor, click the Start Motor toolbar button (the green traffic signal) or double-click the Start Motor
entry in the tree view.
To stop the motor, click the Stop Motor toolbar button (the red traffic signal) or double-click the Stop Motor
entry in the tree view.
When the motor is running, the far right hand status bar pane should show drive status “Run” with a green indicator.
When the motor is stopped, the drive status should be “Stop” with a yellow indicator. If a drive fault occurs, the
status changes to “Fault” with a red indicator. The status is “Inactive” (blue indicator) when the COM port status is
“Down” or “Inactive.”
Step 6. Reference Speed
ServoDesigner provides a special built-in function that allows you to easily control the motor’s reference speed and
direction. To modify the settings, see Figure 11. First, locate the Reference Speed entry in the Function Definitions
section of the tree view. Right-click on the entry and select Properties. In the Properties dialog, you can enter the
desired speed in RPM and the direction (forward or reverse). In the dialog, you can also specify the host register to
which the speed/direction setting is written. You should not modify this setting unless you redefine the host register