The MCP adds to the Intel386 DX Microprocessor
system additional data types, registers, instructions,
and interrupts specifically designed to facilitate high-
speed numerics processing. To use the MCP re-
quires no special programming tools, because all
new instructions and data types are directly support-
ed by the Intel386 DX CPU assembler and compilers
for high-level languages. All 8086/8088 develop-
ment tools that support the 8087 can also be used
to develop software for the Intel386 DX Microproc-
essor and Intel387 DX Math Coprocessor in real-ad-
dress mode or virtual-8086 mode. All 80286 devel-
opment tools that support the 80287 can also be
used to develop software for the Intel386 DX Micro-
processor and Intel387 DX Math Coprocessor.
All communication between the Intel386 DX Micro-
processor and the MCP is transparent to applica-
tions software. The CPU automatically controls the
MCP whenever a numerics instruction is executed.
All physical memory and virtual memory of the CPU
are available for storage of the instructions and op-
erands of programs that use the MCP. All memory
addressing modes, including use of displacement,
base register, index register, and scaling, are avail-
able for addressing numerics operands.
Section 6 at the end of this data sheet lists by class
the instructions that the MCP adds to the instruction
set of the Intel386 DX Microprocessor system.
2.1 Data Types
Table 2.1 lists the seven data types that the Intel387
DX MCP supports and presents the format for each
type. Operands are stored in memory with the least
significant digit at the lowest memory address. Pro-
grams retrieve these values by generating the low-
est address. For maximum system performance, all
operands should start at physical-memory address-
es evenly divisible by four (doubleword boundaries);
operands may begin at any other addresses, but will
require extra memory cycles to access the entire op-
Internally, the Intel387 DX MCP holds all numbers in
the extended-precision real format. Instructions that
load operands from memory automatically convert
operands represented in memory as 16-, 32-, or 64-
bit integers, 32- or 64-bit floating-point numbers, or
18-digit packed BCD numbers into extended-preci-
sion real format. Instructions that store operands in
memory perform the inverse type conversion.
2.2 Numeric Operands
A typical MCP instruction accepts one or two oper-
ands and produces a single result. In two-operand
instructions, one operand is the contents of an MCP
register, while the other may be a memory location.
The operands of some instructions are predefined;
for example FSQRT always takes the square root of
the number in the top stack element.