consecutively. Once the flag is set, the following Read or
Write to the pixel mask register is directed to the command
register. The flag is reset for read or write to any register other
than the Pixel Mask register. The sequence has to be repeated
for any subsequent access to the command register.
The PLL Parameter Register
The CLK0 and CLK1 of the ICS5342 can be programmed for
different frequencies by writing different values to the PLL
parameter register bank. There are eight registers in the pa-
rameter register; seven are two bytes long and one (0E) is one
byte long.
Writing to the PLL parameter register
To write the PLL parameter data, the corresponding address
location is first written to the PLL address register. For soft-
ware compatibility with other chips, two address registers are
defined: the write mode PLL address register and the read
mode PLL address register. These are actually a single Read/
Write register in the ICS5342. The next PLL parameter write
will be directed to the first byte of the address location speci-
fied by the PLL address register. The next write to the param-
eter register will automatically be to the second byte of this
register. At the end of the second write the address is automat-
ically incremented. For the one byte “0E” register the address
location is incremented after the first byte write. If this fre-
quency is selected while programming, the output frequency
will change at the end of the second write.
Reading the PLL parameter register
To read one of the registers of the PLL parameter register the
address value corresponding to the location is first written to
the PLL address register. The next PLL parameter read will be
directed to the first byte of the address location pointed by this
index register. A next read of the parameter register will auto-
matically be the second byte of this register. At the end of the
second read, the address location is automatically increment-
ed. The address register (0E) is incremented after the first byte