?2008 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation
FAN9611 " Rev. 1.1.7
2.   Interleaving
The FAN9611 control IC is configured to control two
boost converters connected in parallel, both operated in
boundary conduction mode. In this arrangement, the
input and output voltages of the two parallel converters
are the same and each converter is designed to process
approximately half the total output power.
Figure 8.   Interleaved PFC Boost Operation
Parallel power processing is penalized by the increased
number of power components, but offers significant
benefits to keep current and thermal stresses under
control and to increase the power handling capability of
the   otherwise   limited   BCM   PFC   control   solution.
Furthermore, the switches of the two boost converters
can be operated 180 degrees out of phase from each
other. The control of parallel converters operating 180
degrees out of phase is called interleaving. Interleaving
provides considerable ripple current reduction at the
input and output terminals of the power supply, which
favorably affects the input EMI filter requirements and
reduces the high-frequency RMS current of the power
supply output capacitor.
There is an obvious difficulty in interleaving two BCM
boost   converters.   Since   the   converters   operating
frequency is influenced by component tolerances in the
power stage and in the controller, the two converters
operate   at   different   frequencies.   Therefore   special
attention must be paid to ensure that the two converters
are   locked   to   180-degree   out-of-phase   operation.
Consequently, synchronization is a critical function of an
interleaved boundary conduction mode PFC controller.
It is implemented in the FAN9611 using proprietary and
dedicated   circuitry   called   Sync-Lock"   interleaving
3.   Voltage Regulation, Voltage Mode Control
The power supplys output voltage is regulated by a
negative feedback loop and a pulse width modulator.
The negative feedback is provided by an error amplifier
that compares the feedback signal at the inverting input
to a reference voltage connected to the non-inverting
input of the amplifier. Similar to other PFC applications,
the error amplifier is compensated with high DC gain for
accurate voltage regulation, but very low bandwidth to
suppress line frequency ripple present across the output
capacitor of the converter. The line frequency ripple is
the result of the constant output power of the converter
and the fact that the input power is the product of a
sinusoidal current and a sinusoidal voltage thus follows
a sine square function. Eliminating the line frequency
component from the feedback system is imperative to
maintain low total harmonic distortion (THD) in the input
current waveform.
The pulse width modulator implements voltage mode
control. This control method compares an artificial ramp
to the output of the error amplifier to determine the
desired on-time of the converters power transistor to
achieve output voltage regulation.
Figure 9.   PWM Operation
In    FAN9611,    there    are    two    PWM    sections
corresponding to the two parallel power stages. For
proper interleaved operation, two independent 180-
degree    out-of-phase    ramps    are    needed;    which
necessitates the two pulse width modulators. To ensure
that the two converters process the same amount of
power, the artificial ramps have the same slope and use
the same control signal generated by the error amplifier.
4.   Input-Voltage Feedforward
Basic   voltage-mode   control,   as   described   in   the
previous    section,    provides    satisfactory    regulation
performance     in     most     cases.     One     important
characteristic of the technique is that input voltage
variation to the converter requires a corrective action
from the error amplifier to maintain the output at the
desired voltage. When the error amplifier has adequate
bandwidth, as in most DC-DC applications, it is able to
maintain regulation within a tolerable output voltage
range during input voltage changes.
On the other hand, when voltage-mode control is used
in power factor corrector applications; the error amplifier
bandwidth, and its capability to quickly react to input
voltage changes, is severely limited. In these cases, the
input voltage variation can cause excessive overshoot
or droop at the converter output as the input voltage
goes up or down.
To overcome this shortcoming of the voltage-mode
PWM    circuit    in    PFC    applications,    input-voltage
feedforward   is   often   employed.   It   can   be   shown
mathematically that a PWM ramp proportional to the
square of the input voltage rejects the effect of input
voltage variations on the output voltage and eliminates
the need of any correction by the error amplifier.