DS3151/DS3152/DS3153/DS3154 Single/Dual/Triple/Quad DS3/E3/STS-1 LIUs
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Register Name:
Register Description:
Register Address:
Bit 5: Transmitter Driver Monitor Latched (TDML).
This latched status bit is set to one when the TDM status bit
changes state (low to high or high to low). TDML is cleared when the host processor writes a one to it and is not set
again until TDM changes state again. When TDML is set, it can cause a hardware interrupt to occur if the TDMIE
interrupt-enable bit is set to one. The interrupt is cleared when TDML is cleared or TDMIE is set to zero.
Bit 4: PRBS Detector Output Latched (PRBSL).
This latched status bit is set to one when the PRBS status bit
changes state (low to high or high to low). PRBSL is cleared when the host processor writes a one to it and is not
set again until PRBS changes state again. When PRBSL is set, it can cause a hardware interrupt to occur if the
PRBSIE interrupt-enable bit is set to one. The interrupt is cleared when PRBSL is cleared or PRBSIE is set to zero.
Bit 3: PRBS Detector Bit Error Latched (PBERL).
This latched status bit is set to one when the PRBS detector is
in sync and a bit error has been detected. PBERL is cleared when the host processor writes a one to it and is not
set again until another bit error is detected. When PBERL is set, it can cause a hardware interrupt to occur if the
PBERIE interrupt-enable bit is set to one. The interrupt is cleared when PBERL is cleared or PBERIE is set to zero.
Bit 2: Receiver Code Violation Latched (RCVL).
This latched status bit is set to one when the RCV status bit
goes high. RCVL is cleared when the host processor writes a one to it and is not set again until RCV goes high
again. When RCVL is set, it can cause a hardware interrupt to occur if the RCVIE interrupt-enable bit is set to one.
The interrupt is cleared when RCVL is cleared or RCVIE is set to zero.
Bit 1: Receiver Loss-of-Clock Lock Latched (RLOLL).
This latched status bit is set to one when the RLOL status
bit changes state (low to high or high to low). RLOLL is cleared when the host processor writes a one to it and is
not set again until RLOL changes state again. When RLOLL is set, it can cause a hardware interrupt to occur if the
RLOLIE interrupt-enable bit is set to one. The interrupt is cleared when RLOLL is cleared or RLOLIE is set to zero.
Bit 0: Receiver Loss-of-Signal Latched (RLOSL).
This latched status bit is set to one when the RLOS status bit
changes state (low to high or high to low). RLOSL is cleared when the host processor writes a one to it and is not
set again until RLOS changes state again. When RLOSL is set, it can cause a hardware interrupt to occur if the
RLOSIE interrupt-enable bit is set to one. The interrupt is cleared when RLOSL is cleared or RLOSIE is set to zero.
Status Register Latched
04h, 14h, 24h, 34h