VCC Power Up and Fault Conditions
During power up, an undervoltage lockout comparator
monitors VCC and disables VREF, (which in turn disables the
entire IC), until the VCC voltage reaches its start threshold.
Hysteresis prevents “chattering” caused by the source
impedance of the VCC supply. VREF can also be disabled
using the Disable input pin, which is active high. An internal
pull–down resistor ensures the IC will start up if the Disable
pin is allowed to float. In VCC or Disable lockout mode, the
output stage is held low by the output pull–down resistance.
After VREF turns on, there are three conditions that can
cause fault mode:
1. The 3.3 V VREF is below regulation,
2. The OV pin rises above overvoltage threshold, or
3. The UV pin falls below undervoltage threshold.
Fault detection will cause the VO output to go low and the
SS pin to discharge. The UV and OV inputs are typically
used to monitor the input line voltage. The undervoltage
comparator has a built–in hysteresis voltage, while the
hysteresis for the OV comparator is programmable through
a current sourced from the pin when above the threshold, and
the equivalent external resistance. The fault condition can
only be reset after the SS pin has been completely discharged
and all faults have been removed.
After a fault is removed or upon initial startup, the SS pin
charges at a rate determined by an internal charge current
and an external capacitor. The rising voltage on the SS pin
will override the regulation feedback voltage on the COMP
pin and clamp the duty cycle, helping to reduce any in–rush
current during startup. The duration of the Soft Start is
typically set with a capacitor from 0.01
F to 0.1 F.
Overcurrent Protection
The CS51220 uses the “soft hiccup” technique to provide
an adjustable and predictable overcurrent limit. By choosing
external component values the designer can select
pulse–by–pulse current limit, soft hiccup current limit or
hard hiccup limit.
Normal pulse–by–pulse current limit can be obtained by
selecting the ISET resistor values for a low Thevenin
resistance to the ISET pin. However with normal
pulse–by–pulse current limit, the secondary currents during
short circuits may be several times the maximum output
Soft hiccup limit can be obtained by setting the ISET
resistor values for a higher thevenin resistance. During
overcurrent conditions, the ISET level will fold back, after a
short delay, to reduce the pulse by pulse threshold. If desired,
the short circuit current can be chosen to be equal to or even
less than the maximum output current. During soft hiccup
the circuit will periodically disable the foldback and attempt
to restart.
Hard hiccup limit can be obtained by setting the ISET
resistor values so that the ISET pin is held below 200 mV
during foldback. During overcurrent conditions, the ISET
level will fold back, after a short delay, preventing any gate
pulses. When the SS capacitor is completely discharged, the
circuit will attempt restart. This configuration provides the
lowest power dissipation during short outputs.
The circuit functions can be best described by discussing
the block diagram and illustrations of expected waveforms.
Actual waveforms, values and circuit configurations from a
design will be used. The design is from the 5.0 V supply of
a dual synchronized converter.
The current is monitored with a voltage at the ISENSE pin.
The ISENSE signal is slightly attenuated DC shifted by 200 mV,
and is compared with the threshold voltage programmed by the
voltage at the ISET pin. If the current signal reaches the
threshold voltage, the overcurrent comparator resets the VO
latch and terminates the VO pulse. The overcurrent comparator
has a maximum common mode input voltage of 1.8 V.
However, an ISET voltage below 1.0 V is desirable for reducing
the comparator’s propagation delay. During initial turnon of
the power supply, normal pulse–by–pulse overcurrent control
is used to protect the power supply switches. This is
accomplished by comparing the voltage at the ISENSE input to
the voltage at the ISET pin and using this to limit the duty factor
of VO, the gate drive signal. This current limit control is
maintained until the SS voltage reaches 2.9 V.