1997 Microchip Technology Inc.
DS30272A-page 87
MPASM has the following features to assist in develop-
ing software for specic use applications.
Provides translation of Assembler source code to
object code for all Microchip microcontrollers.
Macro assembly capability.
Produces all the les (Object, Listing, Symbol,
and special) required for symbolic debug with
Microchip’s emulator systems.
Supports Hex (default), Decimal and Octal source
and listing formats.
MPASM provides a rich directive language to support
programming of the PIC16/17. Directives are helpful in
making the development of your assemble source code
shorter and more maintainable.
Software Simulator (MPLAB-SIM)
The MPLAB-SIM Software Simulator allows code
development in a PC host environment. It allows the
user to simulate the PIC16/17 series microcontrollers
on an instruction level. On any given instruction, the
user may examine or modify any of the data areas or
provide external stimulus to any of the pins. The input/
output radix can be set by the user and the execution
can be performed in; single step, execute until break, or
in a trace mode.
MPLAB-SIM fully supports symbolic debugging using
MPLAB-C and MPASM. The Software Simulator offers
the low cost exibility to develop and debug code out-
side of the laboratory environment making it an excel-
lent multi-project software development tool.
C Compiler (MPLAB-C)
The MPLAB-C Code Development System is a
complete ‘C’ compiler and integrated development
environment for Microchip’s PIC16/17 family of micro-
controllers. The compiler provides powerful integration
capabilities and ease of use not found with other
For easier source level debugging, the compiler pro-
vides symbol information that is compatible with the
MPLAB IDE memory display.
Fuzzy Logic Development System
fuzzyTECH-MP fuzzy logic development tool is avail-
able in two versions - a low cost introductory version,
MP Explorer, for designers to gain a comprehensive
working knowledge of fuzzy logic system design; and a
full-featured version,
fuzzyTECH-MP, edition for imple-
menting more complex systems.
Both versions include Microchip’s
stration board for hands-on experience with fuzzy logic
systems implementation.
– Application Code
MP-DriveWay is an easy-to-use Windows-based Appli-
cation Code Generator. With MP-DriveWay you can
visually congure all the peripherals in a PIC16/17
device and, with a click of the mouse, generate all the
initialization and many functional code modules in C
language. The output is fully compatible with Micro-
chip’s MPLAB-C C compiler. The code produced is
highly modular and allows easy integration of your own
code. MP-DriveWay is intelligent enough to maintain
your code through subsequent code generation.
SEEVAL Evaluation and
Programming System
The SEEVAL SEEPROM Designer’s Kit supports all
Microchip 2-wire and 3-wire Serial EEPROMs. The kit
includes everything necessary to read, write, erase or
program special features of any Microchip SEEPROM
product including Smart Serials
and secure serials.
The Total Endurance
Disk is included to aid in trade-
off analysis and reliability calculations. The total kit can
signicantly reduce time-to-market and result in an
optimized system.
KEELOQ Evaluation and
Programming Tools
KEELOQ evaluation and programming tools support
Microchips HCS Secure Data Products. The HCS eval-
uation kit includes an LCD display to show changing
codes, a decoder to decode transmissions, and a pro-
gramming interface to program test transmitters.