Rev. A | Page 42 of 80
Table 15. Timer Register List
Bit Name
Q data path retimer clock selected output. Valid after the searching bit goes low.
High indicates that the internal data path retimer is searching for the clock relationship (DAC is not usable until it is low again).
Changing this bit from 0 to 1 causes the data path retimer circuit to reacquire the clock relationship.
0: uses CLKMODEI/CLKMODEQ values (as computed by the two internal retimers) for I and Q clocking.
1: uses the CLKMODE value set in CLKMODEI[1:0] to override the bits for both I and Q retimers (that is, force the retimer).
I data path retimer clock selected output. Valid after searching goes low.
If CLKMODEN = 1, a value written to this register overrides both the I and Q automatic retimer values.
DCLKIO-to-CLKIN Phase Relationship
0° to 90°
Phase 2
90° to 180°
Phase 3
180° to 270°
Phase 3
270° to 360°
Phase 1
When RESET is pulsed high and then returns low (the part is in
SPI mode), the retimer runs and automatically selects a suitable
clock phase for the RETIMER-CLK within 128 clock cycles. The
SPI searching bit, Bit 4 of SPI Address 0x14, returns to low,
indicating that the retimer has locked and the part is ready for
use. The reacquire bit, Bit 3 of SPI Address 0x14, can be used to
reinitiate phase detection in the I and Q retimers at any time.
CLKMODEQ[1:0] and CLKMODEI[1:0] of SPI Address 0x14
provide readback for the values picked by the internal phase
To force the two retimers (I and Q) to pick a particular phase
for the retimer clock (they must both be forced to the same
value), CLKMODEN, Bit 2 of SPI Address 0x14, should be set
high and the required phase value is written into CLKMODEI[1:0]
and CLKMODEQ[1:0]. For example, if the DCLKIO and the
CLKIN are in phase to the first order, the user can safely force the
retimers to pick Phase 2 for the RETIMER-CLK. This forcing
function may be useful for synchronizing multiple devices.
In pin mode, it is expected that the user tie CLKIN and DCLKIO
together. The device has a small amount of programmable
functionality using the unused SPI pins (SCLK, SDIO, and CS).
If the two chip clocks are tied together, the SCLK pin can be
tied to ground, and the chip uses a clock for the retimer that is
180° out of phase with the two input clocks (that is, Phase 2,
which is the safest and best option). The chip has an additional
option in pin mode when the redefined SCLK pin is high. Use
this mode if using pin mode, but CLKIN and DCLKIO are not
tied together (that is, not in phase). Holding SCLK high causes
the internal clock detector to use the phase detector output to
determine which clock to use in the retimer (that is, select a
suitable RETIMER-CLK phase). The action of taking SCLK
high causes the internal phase detector to reexamine the two
clocks and determine the relative phase. Whenever the user
wants to reevaluate the relative phase of the two clocks, the
SCLK pin can be taken low and then high again.
DAC pipeline latency is affected by the phase of the RETIMER-
CLK that is selected. If latency is critical to the system and must
be constant, the retimer should be forced to a particular phase and
not be allowed to automatically select a phase each time.
Consider the case in which DCLKIO = CLKIN (that is, in
phase), and the RETIMER-CLK is forced to Phase 2. Assume
that IRISING is 1 (that is, Q data is latched on the rising edge
and I data is latched on the falling edge). Then the latency to the
output for the I channel is three clock cycles (D-FF 1, D-FF 3,
and D-FF 4, but not D-FF 2 because it is latched on the half
clock cycle or 180°). The latency to the output for the Q channel
from the time the falling edge latches it at the pads in D-FF 0
is 2.5 clock cycles ( clock cycle to D-FF 1, 1 clock cycle to
D-FF 3, and 1 clock cycle to D-FF 4). This latency for the AD9714/
AD9715/AD9716/AD9717 is case specific and needs to be calcu-
lated based on the RETIMER-CLK phase that is automatically
selected or manually forced.