7.3 Automatic Retransmission on
The 82595FX performs automatic retransmission
when a collision is experienced within the first slot
time of the transmission with no intervention by the
CPU. The 82595FX performs jamming, exponential
backoff, and retransmission attempts as specified by
the IEEE 802.3 spec. The 82595FX reaccesses its
local memory automatically on collision. This allows
the 82595FX to retransmit up to 15 times after the
initial collision with no CPU interaction.
The 82595FX reaccesses the data in its transmit
buffer by simply resetting the value of its Current
Address Register back to the value of the Base Ad-
dress Register (the beginning of the XMT block) and
repeating the DMA process to access the data in the
transmit buffer again. Once it regains access to the
link, retransmission is attempted. When Transmit
Chaining is utilized, the process for retransmission is
exactly the same. Only the current frame in the
chain will be retransmitted, since the Base Address
Register is updated upon transmission of each
The 82595FX implements a recyclable ring buffer
DMA structure to support the reception of back to
back incoming RCV frames with minimal CPU over-
head. The structure of the RCV frames in memory is
optimized to allow the CPU to process each frame
with as few software processing steps as pos-
sible. The frame format is arranged so that all of the
required infomation for each frame (status, size,
etc.) is located at the beginning of the frame.
8.1 82595FX RCV Memory Structure
The 82595FX RCV memory structure for a 16-bit in-
terface is shown in Figure 8-1. Figure 8-2 shows this
structure for the 8-bit interface. Once an incoming
frame passes the 82595FX’s address filtering, the
82595FX deposits the frame into the RCV Data field
of the RCV Memory Structure. The fields which pre-
cede the RCV Data field, Event, Status, Byte Count,
Next Frame Pointer, and the Event field of the fol-
lowing frame, are updated upon the end of the frame
after all of the incoming data has been deposited in
the RCV Data field. If Receive Concurrent Process-
ing is enabled, the CPU processes the receive frame
without the entire frame being deposited by the
82595FX to the RCV Data Field. The 85295FX,
along with the software driver, determines the por-
tion of the frame being copied to host memory be-
fore the rest of that frame is copied to local memory.
An interrrupt is asserted by the 82595FX (EOF) after
frame reception has been completed.
If the 82595FX is configured to Discard Bad Frames,
it will discard all incoming errored frames by reset-
ting its DMA Current Address Register back to the
value of the Base Address Register and not updat-
ing any of the fields in the RCV frame structure. This
area will now be reused to store the next incoming