CMOS Sensor; Customer Datasheet, Rev 3.0, 25 September 2000
VV5301 & VV6301
Commercial in confidence
The previous section, Exposure Control, introduced the concept of a “timed parameter”, that is information that is written via the
serial interface but will not be used immediately by the sensor, rather there will be a delay before the information is passed to the
internal registers (referred to as the working registers) from the serial interface registers (referred to as the shadow registers). It is
the contents of the working registers that will determine sensor behaviour.
Timed Serial Interface Parameters
The timed parameters are split into 2 categories as follows:
Listing and Categorizing the Parameters
fine and coarse exposure
There is a “pending” flag for each of the above categories. These flags are stored in Status0 Register[2] in bits [0] and [2]. If one
of the flags is high this indicates that the working register/s controlled by that flag have yet to be updated from the according
shadow register/s. This feedback information could be useful if a user is, for example, attempting to write an external exposure
controller. The status of the pending flags allows accurate timing of the serial interface communications.
The exposure category comprises registers[32,33] and [34,35].
Fine and Coarse Exposure
The gain category simply comprises register[36].
The timed parameter categories are updated as follows:
Timed Parameter Update Points
note: We refer to odd and even fields in the table below. Each field is identical in length but we have to be able to differentiate
between fields to enable correct updating of register parameters.
If a change in exposure and gain are pending at the same time then the exposure value will be updated first followed by the gain.
This will ensure image illumination continuity from field to field.
Timed parameter category
Updated point
fine and coarse exposure
During the interline period between the last line of the odd field and the first
line of the even field.
During the interline period between line 143 and line 144 in the even field.
Table 6 : Timed Parameter Update Points