V59C1512(404/804/164)QC*I Rev. 1.1 April 2008
IDD Measurement Cond itio ns
(-40 °C < T
+85 °C ; VDDQ = 1.8V ± 0.1V; VDD = 1.8V ± 0.1V)
Operating C ur rent - One bank Active - Precharge
tRC = tRCmin; tCK =tCKmin. ; Databus inputs are SWITCHING; Address and control inputs are SWITCHING, CS = HIGH
between valid commands.
Operating C ur rent - One bank Ac ti ve - Read - Precharg e
One bank is accessed with tRCmin , BL = 4, tCK = tCKmin, AL = 0, CL = CLmin.;
Address and control inputs are SWITCHING,CS = HIGH between valid commands; lout = 0 mA.
Precharg e Power-Do wn Curre nt: all banks idle; power-down mode; CKE is LOW; tCK = tCKmin.; Data Bus inputs are
Precharge Standby Current: all banks idle; CS is HIGH; CKE is HIGH; tCK = tCKmin.; Address and control inputs
are SWITCHING; Data Bus inputs are SWITCHING.
Precharge Quiet Standby Current: all banks idle; CS is HIGH; CKE is HIGH; tCK = tCKmin.; Address and control inputs are
STABLE; Data Bus inputs are FLOATING.
Ac ti ve Power-Do wn Curre nt: all banks open; CKE is LOW; Address and control inputs are STABLE; Data Bus inputs are
FLOATING. MRS A12 bit is set to “0”( Fast Power-down Exit);
Ac ti ve Power-Do wn Curre nt: all banks open; CKE is LOW; Address and control inputs are STABLE; Data Bus inputs are
FLOATING. MRS A12 bit is set to “1”( Slow Power-down Exit);
Act ive Standby Current: all banks open; CS is HIGH; CKE is HIGH; tRC = tRASmax; tCK = tCKmin.;
Address and control inputs are SWITCHING; Data Bus inputs are SWITCHING.
Operating Curre nt - Burs t Read: all banks active; continuous burst reads; BL = 4;AL = 0, CL = CLmin.; tCK = tCKmin.;
Address and control inputs are SWITCHING; Data Bus inputs are SWITCHING; IOUT = 0mA.
Operating Curre nt - Burs t Write: all banks active; continuous burst writes; BL = 4;AL = 0, CL = CLmin.; tCK = tCKmin.;
Address and control inputs are SWITCHING; Data Bus inputs are SWITCHING; IOUT = 0mA.
IDD5B Burs t Au to-Refresh Current: Refresh command at tRFC = tRFCmin, tCK = tCKmin, CS is HIGH between valid commands
Distri buted Au to-Refre sh Curre nt: Refresh command at tREFI; tCK = tCKmin, CS is HIGH between valid commands;
CKE is LOW except during tRFCmin.
Self-Refre sh Curre nt: CKE
0.2V; external clock off, CK and CK at 0V; tCK = tCKmin; Address and control inputs are
Data Bus inputs are FLOATING.
Operating Bank Interleave Read Current:
1. All bank interleaving with BL = 4; BL = 4, CL = CLmin.;tRCD = tRCDmin.; tRRD = tRRDmin.;AL = tRCD - 1, Iout = 0 mA.
Address and control inputs are stable during DESELECT; Data Bus inputs are SWITCHING.
2. Timing pattern:
- DDR2 -400 (200Mhz, CL=3) : tck = 5 ns, BL = 4, tRCD = 3 * tck, AL = 2 * tck, tRC = 12 * tck
Read : A0 RA0 A1 RA1 A2 RA2 A3 RA3 D D D D
- DDR2 -533 (266Mhz, CL=4) : tck = 3.7 ns, BL = 4, tRCD = 4 * tck, AL = 3 * tck, tRC = 16 * tck
Read : A0 RA0 D A1 RA1 D A2 RA2 D A3 RA3 D D D D D
- DDR2 -667 (333Mhz, CL=4) : tck = 3 ns, BL = 4, tRCD = 4 * tck, AL = 3 * tck, tRC = 19 * tck
Read : A0 RA0 D D A1 RA1 D D A2 RA2 D D A3 RA3 D D D D D
1. Data Bus consists of DQ, DM, DQS, DQS, RDQS, RDQS, LDQS, LDQS, UDQS and UDQS.
2. Definitions for IDD :
LOW is defined as VIN <= VILAC(max.); HIGH is defined as VIN >= VIHAC(min.);
STABLE is defined as inputs are stable at a HIGH or LOW level
FLOATING is defined as inputs are VREF
SWITCHING is defined as inputs are changing between HIGH and LOW every other clock for adress and control signals, and
inputs changing 50% of each data trasnfer for DQ signals.
3. Legend : A=Activate, RA=Read with Auto-Precharge, D=DESELECT