Semiconductors, Inc.
Technical Report
General Information
This application note explains details about the specific and extended features of the Philips
Semiconductors USB-CODEC UDA1325PS / N106 release. It is intended for customers that want to
fully understand and customize the USB-CODEC for use in their own specific application.
This application note will not explain the Universal Serial Bus as such or the installation of the
UDA1325PS evaluation board. You can find this information in the principal application note
of Philips Semiconductors and in the documentation that is noted/referred in Chapter 8 “References”.
The application of the USB-CODEC UDA1325PS requires a USB enabled PC running Windows 98.
The UDA1325PS operates under Windows 98. It can not be used with other (not USB streaming
supporting) Windows operating systems. These operating systems do not provide the drivers and
system support necessary to operate devices attached to the Universal Serial Bus.
The Operating System of the
platform is also introducing support for USB-AUDIO CODECs
and support for this platform is under development by our facilities too.
To achieve full system functionality it is necessary that the PC hardware, the PC operating system, the
installed driver software and the
Controller firmware of the chip work flawlessly together.
We strongly advise not to use earlier builds. You may try earlier builds but it is unrealistic for us to
guarantee that this will work without problems.
In any case, constant and quick efforts are being made to guarantee that the USB-CODEC will run
without problems with any official Windows 98 release. The firmware used with the USB-CODEC is
based upon an internal
C80C51 core. It will be flexible/configurable enough to cover as many USB
audio features as possible. The current evaluation systems allows the User to:
select between 4 different integrated ROM configurations for their own USB-CODEC application
plug in an additional I2C-EEPROM that contains a custom configuration. The customer is capable of
editing it’s own configuration map by means of the software tool
Legal usage of the Philips USB-AUDIO CODEC:
It is very important that you are aware that use of one of the four internal maps is legal if you are the
legal owner of the internal map. In any other case, you may
use any of the internal maps, other
than for test purposes ! Otherwise you can and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible
under law and you can count on severe civil and criminal penalties. So, if you are not a legal owner of
one of the internal maps, you must implement your own configuration by means of an external I2C-
EEPROM and program your companies VID (& PID) as will be explained in the following chapters. The
internal maps are dedicated to either Philips products or customers of Philips who have a legal
agreement / contract to use one of the internal maps.