e2v semiconductors SAS 2007
(DG) Differential Gain
The peak gain variation (in percent) at five different DC levels for an AC signal of 20% Full Scale peak to
peak amplitude. F
IN = 5 MHz (TBC).
(DP) Differential Phase
Peak Phase variation (in degrees) at five different DC levels for an AC signal of 20% Full Scale peak to
peak amplitude. F
IN = 5 MHz (TBC).
(TA) Aperture Delay
Delay between the rising edge of the differential clock inputs (CLK, CLKB) (zero crossing point), and the
time at which (V
IN, VINB) is sampled.
(JITTER) Aperture Uncertainty
Sample to sample variation in aperture delay. The voltage error due to jitter depends on the slew rate of
the signal at the sampling point.
(TS) Settling Time
Time delay to achieve 0.2% accuracy at the converter output when a 80% Full Scale step function is
applied to the differential analog input.
(ORT) Overvoltage Recovery Time
Time to recover 0.2% accuracy at the output, after a 150% full scale step applied on the input is reduced
to midscale.
(TOD) Digital Data Output Delay
Delay from the falling edge of the differential clock inputs (CLK, CLKB) (zero crossing point) to the next
point of change in the differential output data (zero crossing) with specified load.
(TD1) Time Delay from Data to Data Ready
Time delay from Data transition to Data ready.
(TD2) Time Delay from Data Ready to Data
General expression is TD1 = TC1 + TDR - TOD with TC = TC1 + TC2 = 1 encoding clock period.
(TC) Encoding Clock Period
TC1 = Minimum clock pulse width (high) TC = TC1 + TC2
TC2 = Minimum clock pulse width (low)
(TPD) Pipeline Delay
Number of clock cycles between the sampling edge of an input data and the associated output data
being made available, (not taking in account the TOD). For the TS8388B the TPD is 4 clock periods.
(TRDR) Data Ready Reset Delay
Delay between the falling edge of the Data Ready output asynchronous Reset signal (DDRB) and the
reset to digital zero transition of the Data Ready output signal (DR).