Vectron International 166 Glover Avenue, Norwalk, CT 06856 Tel: 1-88-VECTRON-1 Fax: 1-888-FAX-VECTRON
Optimized jitter transfer and tolerance performance is
dependent upon precise control of the filter band-
width. The jitter transfer function is a baseband mea-
surement of the SAW filter, or the loop filter bandwidth
for a PLL device. The specifications form a jitter mask
which limits inband jitter peaking to less than 0.01 UI
and at 2MHz. The mask then rolls off at 20 dB/dec.
Figure 7 shows the jitter transfer function for the TRU-
2500 at 25 C, -40 C, and +85 C.The responses show
a complete absence of jitter peaking and virtually opti-
mum bandwidth with negligible temperature variation.
The jitter tolerance mask and the TRU2500 test
results are shown in figure 8. At the high frequency
portion of the mask, the device must run essentially
error free with 0.15 UI additional sinusoidal modula-
tion on the input data. As the modulation frequency is
decreased approaching the filter bandwidth, jitter tol-
erance rises as the recovered clock starts to track the
modulation. The breakpoint frequency for this rise in
tolerance is approximately 1 MHz, this places a lower
limit on the clock recovery filter bandwidth. The com-
bined jitter tolerance and jitter transfer requirements
restrict the filter bandwidth to the 1 to 2 MHz range,
over all conditions. The TRU2500 typically maintains
better than 0.5UI tolerance at high frequencies, due to
the SAW filter response. This is virtually impossible
for a PLL to meet at high data rates.
Frequency (MHz) 10 MHz/Div.