Phase Frequency Detector (PFD) and Charge Pump Stage
The outputs of the R divider and the N counter (please see pulse swallow section) are fed into the PFD stage, where
the two signals are compared in frequency and phase. The TRF3750 features an anti-backlash pulse, whose width
is controllable by the user, in order to optimize phase and spurious performance. The PFD feeds the charge pump,
which is the final output of the TRF3750. The charge pump output pulses need to be fed into an external loop filter,
which eventually produces the tuning voltage needed to control the external VCO to the desired frequency.
Pulse Swallow/Frequency Synthesis
The different stages of the TRF3750 enable the user to synthesize a large range of frequencies at the output of a
complete PLL. For a given reference frequency (fREFIN), the user’s choice of the R divider yields the PFD frequency
(fPFD), which is the step by which the resultant output frequency can be incremented or decremented. The choice
of prescaler, and A and B counters yields the output frequency at the external VCO (RFOUT) as shown below.
RFOUT = fPFD x N = (fREFIN / R) x (A + P x B)
The TRF3750 features a multiplexer that allows programmable access to several signals.
Table 5 and
Table 6 show
the truth tables. Some of the different signals available are detailed below.
Digital Lock Detect
This is an active high digital output that indicates when the device has achieved lock. The user can choose between
two precision settings for the lock detection, through the reference counter latch. A 0 on the lock detect precision
means that the digital lock detect output goes high only if three contiguous cycles of the PFD have an error of less
than 15 ns. A 1 would require five contiguous cycles (a more stringent condition). Any error of greater than 25 ns,
even on one cycle, would produce a 0 in the digital lock detect signal, indicating loss of lock.
Analog Lock Detect
Selecting the analog lock detect option at the output of the output multiplexer requires an external pull-up resistor
(≈10 k) to be placed on the output (MUXOUT, pin 14).
Fastlock Mode
The TRF3750 features two Fastlock Modes, which the user may select depending on the particular application.
There are two separate charge pump current settings (1 and 2) that can be programmed, and the Fastlock
Modes, when activated, enable the device to quickly switch from current setting 1 to current setting 2. The two
Fastlock Modes (1 and 2) differ in the way the device reverts back to current setting 1. In normal (steady-state)
operation, current setting 1 is used. For transient situations such as frequency jumps, current setting 2 can be
Fastlock Mode 1
As soon as Fastlock Mode 1 is entered, the charge pump current is switched to the preprogrammed setting 2
and stays there until the charge pump gain programming bit is set to 0 in the N counter latch. This way, the user
has immediate software control of the transition between charge pump setting 1 and 2.
Fastlock Mode 2
As soon as Fastlock Mode 2 is entered, the charge pump current is switched to the preprogrammed setting 2
and stays there until the timer counter has expired. The timer counter is programmed by the user and counts
how many PFD cycles the device spends in current setting 2 in Fastlock Mode 2. The number of timer cycles
can be set in increments of four cycles in the range of 3 to 63. When the counter has expired, the device returns
to normal operation (fastlock disabled and charge pump current setting 1). This way no extra programming is
needed in order for the device to exit fastlock.
3-Wire Serial Programming
The TRF3750 features an industry-standard 3-wire serial interface that controls an internal 24-bit shift register.
There are a total of 3 signals that need to be applied: the clock (CLK, pin 11), the serial data (DATA, pin 12)
and the load enable (LE, pin13). The DATA (DB0DB23) is loaded MSB first and is read on the rising edge of
the CLK. The LE signal is asynchronous to the clock and at its rising edge the DATA gets loaded onto the