Functional overview
peripheral clock from the APB, and an 8-bit clock pre-scaler is available. When enabled by
firmware as a watchdog, this timer will cause a system reset if firmware fails to periodically
reload this timer before the terminal count of 0x0000 occurs, ensuring firmware sanity. The
watchdog function is off by default after a reset and must be enabled by firmware.
2.13.4 External RESET_INn pin
This input signal is active-low with hystereses (VRHYS). Other open-drain, active-low system
reset signals on the circuit board (such as closure to ground from a push-button) may be
connected directly to the RESET_INn pin, but an external pull-up resistor to VDDQ must be
present as there is no internal pullup on the RESET_INn pin.
A valid active-low input signal of tRINMIN duration on the RESET_INn pin will cause a system
reset within the STR91xF. There is also a RESET_OUTn pin on the STR91xF that can drive
other system components on the circuit board. RESET_OUTn is active-low and has the same
timing of the Power-On-Reset (POR) shown next, tPOR.
2.13.5 Power-up
The LVD circuitry will always generate a global reset when the STR91xF powers up, meaning
internal reset is active until VDDQ and VDD are both above the LVD thresholds. This POR
condition has a duration of tPOR, after which the CPU will fetch its first instruction from address
2.13.6 JTAG debug command
When the STR91xF is in JTAG debug mode, an external device which controls the JTAG
interface can command a system reset to the STR91xF over the JTAG channel.
2.13.7 Tamper detection
On 128-pin STR91xF devices only, there is a tamper detect input pin, TAMPER_IN, used to
detect and record the time of a tamper event on the end product such as malicious opening of
an enclosure, unwanted opening of a panel, etc. The activation mode of the tamper pin is
programmable to one of two modes. One is Normally Closed/Tamper Open, the other mode will
detect when a signal on the tamper input pin is driven from low-to-high, or high-to-low
depending on firmware configuration. Once a tamper event occurs, the RTC time (millisecond
resolution) and the date are recorded in the RTC unit. Simultaneously, the SRAM standby
voltage source will be cut off to invalidate all SRAM contents. Tamper detection control and
status logic are part of the RTC unit.
Real-time clock (RTC)
The RTC combines the functions of a complete time-of-day clock (millisecond resolution) with
an alarm programmable up to one month, a 9999-year calender with leap-year support,
periodic interrupt generation from 1 to 512 Hz, tamper detection (described in Section 2.13.7),
and an optional clock calibration output on the JRTCK pin. The time is in 24 hour mode, and
time/calendar values are stored in binary-coded decimal format.
The RTC also provides a self-isolation mode that is automatically activated during power down.
This feature allows the RTC to continue operation when VDDQ and VDD are absent, as long as
an alternate power source, such as a battery, is connected to the VBATT input pin. The current