1997 Jun 24
Philips Semiconductors
Preliminary specification
TV microcontroller with full screen
On Screen Display (OSD)
Displayable characters between a ‘flash’ (08H) and a
‘steady’ (09H) control character will flash on and off.
Displayable characters between a ‘conceal display’ (18H)
character and an alphanumerics or graphics control
character are displayed as spaces, unless the
TXT7.REVEAL bit is set.
The ‘contiguous graphics’ (19H) and ‘separated graphics’
(1AH) characters control the way in which mosaic shapes
are displayed. The difference between the two is shown in
Control characters encountered between a ‘hold graphics’
(1EH) control character and a ‘release graphics’ (1FH)
control character are displayed as the last character
displayed in graphics mode, rather than as spaces.
From the hold graphics character until the first character
displayed in graphics mode the held character is a space.
The ‘start box’ (0BH) and ‘end box’ (0AH) characters are
used to define teletext boxes. Two start box characters are
required to begin a teletext box, with the box starting
between the 2 characters. The box ends after an end box
character has been encountered.
The display can be set up so that different display modes
are invoked inside and outside teletext boxes e.g. text
inside boxes but TV outside. This is described in
Section 7.6.5.
The ‘normal size’ (0CH), ‘double height’ (0DH), ‘double
width’ (0EH) and ‘double size’ (0FH) control characters are
used to change the size of the characters displayed. If any
double height (or double size) characters are displayed on
a row the whole of the next row is displayed as spaces.
Double height display is not possible on either row 23 or
row 24.
The character in the position occupied by the right hand
half of a double width (or double size) character is ignored,
unless it is a control character in which case it takes effect
on the next character displayed. This allows double width
to be used to produce a display in which blank spaces do
not appear when character attributes are changed.
The size implying OSD (BCH to BFH) control characters
have been included in this device to allow OSD messages
to be generated easily. These characters are described in
full later in this document.
handbook, halfpage
mosaics character 7FH
mosaics character 7FH
Fig.5 Contiguous and separated mosaics.