The OMC Mask Register.
There is one Mask
Register for each of the two groups of eight Output
Macrocells (OMC). The Mask Registers can be
used to block the loading of data to individual Out-
put Macrocells (OMC). The default value for the
Mask Registers is 00h, which allows loading of the
Output Macrocells (OMC). When a given bit in a
Mask Register is set to a 1, the MCU is blocked
from writing to the associated Output Macrocells
McellAB3 are being used for a state machine. You
would not want a MCU write to McellAB to over-
write the state machine registers. Therefore, you
would want to load the Mask Register for McellAB
(Mask Macrocell AB) with the value 0Fh.
The Output Enable of the OMC.
Macrocells (OMC) block can be connected to an I/
O port pin as a PLD output. The output enable of
each port pin driver is controlled by a single prod-
uct term from the AND Array, ORed with the Direc-
tion Register output. The pin is enabled upon
Power-up if no output enable equation is defined
and if the pin is declared as a PLD output in PSD-
soft Express.
If the Output Macrocell (OMC) output is declared
as an internal node and not as a port pin output in
the PSDabel file, the port pin can be used for other
I/O functions. The internal node feedback can be
routed as an input to the AND Array.
Input Macrocells (IMC)
The CPLD has 24 Input Macrocells (IMC), one for
each pin on Ports A, B, and C. The architecture of
the Input Macrocells (IMC) is shown in Figure 15.
The Input Macrocells (IMC) are individually config-
urable, and can be used as a latch, register, or to
pass incoming Port signals prior to driving them
onto the PLD input bus. The outputs of the Input
Macrocells (IMC) can be read by the MCU through
the internal data bus.
The enable for the latch and clock for the register
are driven by a multiplexer whose inputs are a
product term from the CPLD AND Array or the
MCU Address Strobe (ALE/AS). Each product
term output is used to latch or clock four Input
Macrocells (IMC). Port inputs 3-0 can be con-
trolled by one product term and 7-4 by another.
Configurations for the Input Macrocells (IMC) are
specified by equations written in PSDabel (see Ap-
plication Note AN1171). Outputs of the Input Mac-
rocells (IMC) can be read by the MCU via the IMC
buffer. See the section entitled “I/O PORTS”, on
page 48.
Input Macrocells (IMC) can use Address Strobe
(ALE/AS, PD0) to latch address bits higher than
A15. Any latched addresses are routed to the
PLDs as inputs.
Input Macrocells (IMC) are particularly useful with
handshaking communication applications where
two processors pass data back and forth through
a common mailbox. Figure 16 shows a typical con-
figuration where the Master MCU writes to the Port
A Data Out Register. This, in turn, can be read by
the Slave MCU via the activation of the “Slave-
Read” output enable product term.
The Slave can also write to the Port A Input Mac-
rocells (IMC) and the Master can then read the In-
put Macrocells (IMC) directly.
Note that the “Slave-Read” and “Slave-Wr” signals
are product terms that are derived from the Slave
MCU inputs Read Strobe (RD, CNTL1), Write
Strobe (WR, CNTL0), and Slave_CS.