2007 Microchip Technology Inc.
Advance Information
DS41303B-page 43
In RC_RUN mode, the CPU and peripherals are
clocked from the internal oscillator block using one of
the selections from the HFINTOSC multiplexer. In this
mode, the primary oscillator is shut down. RC_RUN
mode provides the best power conservation of all the
Run modes when the LFINTOSC is the main clock
source. It works well for user applications which are not
highly timing sensitive or do not require high-speed
clocks at all times.
If the primary clock source is the internal oscillator
block (either LFINTOSC or HFINTOSC), there are no
distinguishable differences between PRI_RUN and
RC_RUN modes during execution. However, a clock
switch delay will occur during entry to and exit from
RC_RUN mode. Therefore, if the primary clock source
is the internal oscillator block, the use of RC_RUN
mode is not recommended. See
2.10.4 “Clock Switch
for details about clock switching.
RC_RUN mode is entered by setting the SCS1 bit to
’. The SCS0 bit can be either ‘
’ or ‘
’ but should be
’ to maintain software compatibility with future
devices. When the clock source is switched from the
primary oscillator to the HFINTOSC multiplexer, the pri-
mary oscillator is shut down and the OSTS bit is
cleared. The IRCF bits may be modified at any time to
immediately change the clock speed.
On transitions from RC_RUN mode to PRI_RUN mode,
the device continues to be clocked from the internal
oscillator block while the primary oscillator is started.
When the primary oscillator becomes ready, a clock
switch to the primary clock occurs. When the clock
switch is complete, the IOFS bit is cleared, the OSTS
bit is set and the primary oscillator is providing the main
system clock. The HFINTOSC will continue to run if any
of the conditions noted in
Section 2.5.2 “HFINTOSC”
are met. The LFINTOSC source will continue to run if
any of the conditions noted in
Section 2.5.3 “LFIN-
are met.
Sleep Mode
The Power-Managed Sleep mode in the PIC18F2XK20/
4XK20 devices is identical to the legacy Sleep mode
offered in all other PIC
microcontroller devices. It is
entered by clearing the IDLEN bit (the default state on
device Reset) and executing the
This shuts down the selected oscillator (Figure 3-1). All
clock source Status bits are cleared.
Entering the Sleep mode from any other mode does not
require a clock switch. This is because no clocks are
needed once the controller has entered Sleep. If the
WDT is selected, the LFINTOSC source will continue to
operate. If the Timer1 oscillator is enabled, it will also
continue to run.
When a wake event occurs in Sleep mode (by interrupt,
Reset or WDT time-out), the device will not be clocked
until the clock source selected by the SCS<1:0> bits
becomes ready (see Figure 3-2), or it will be clocked
from the internal oscillator block if either the Two-
Speed Start-up or the Fail-Safe Clock Monitor are
enabled (see
Section 23.0 “Special Features of the
). In either case, the OSTS bit is set when the
primary clock is providing the device clocks. The
IDLEN and SCS bits are not affected by the wake-up.
Idle Modes
The Idle modes allow the controller’s CPU to be
selectively shut down while the peripherals continue to
operate. Selecting a particular Idle mode allows users
to further manage power consumption.
If the IDLEN bit is set to a ‘
’ when a
instruction is
executed, the peripherals will be clocked from the clock
source selected by the SCS<1:0> bits; however, the CPU
will not be clocked. The clock source Status bits are not
affected. Setting IDLEN and executing a
tion provides a quick method of switching from a given
Run mode to its corresponding Idle mode.
If the WDT is selected, the LFINTOSC source will con-
tinue to operate. If the Timer1 oscillator is enabled, it
will also continue to run.
Since the CPU is not executing instructions, the only
exits from any of the Idle modes are by interrupt, WDT
time-out, or a Reset. When a wake event occurs, CPU
execution is delayed by an interval of T
(parameter 38, Table 26-9) while it becomes ready to
execute code. When the CPU begins executing code,
it resumes with the same clock source for the current
Idle mode. For example, when waking from RC_IDLE
mode, the internal oscillator block will clock the CPU
and peripherals (in other words, RC_RUN mode). The
IDLEN and SCS bits are not affected by the wake-up.
While in any Idle mode or the Sleep mode, a WDT
time-out will result in a WDT wake-up to the Run mode
currently specified by the SCS<1:0> bits.
Caution should be used when modifying a
single IRCF bit. If V
is less than 2.7V, it
is possible to select a higher clock speed
than is supported by the low V
Improper device operation may result if
the V
specifications are violated.