1997 Oct 22
Philips Semiconductors
Product specification
Microcontrollers for universal infrared
remote transmitter applications
PCA84C922; PCA84C923
The main application for the PCA84C92X is as a universal
infrared remote control commander and in this role the
PCA84C92X offers the complete solution in one chip.
The PCA84C92X can be programmed to generate code
data that conforms to any protocol (Philips, NEC, RCA,
Thomson and Siemens etc.) and is suitable for use in the
remote control of TVs, VCRs, audio equipment,
air-conditioning systems and in many other applications.
The ability of the PCA84C923D to access external
memory and therefore support more protocols, makes it an
extremely versatile device.
System selection
Different systems (TV or VCR etc.) can be controlled using
one universal infrared remote control commander;
switches can be used to select a specific system.
However, the PCA84C92X provides pin T1 for system
selection purposes and software is used to detect the
specific system. Port lines P14 to P17 can also be used for
system selection if their wake-up functions have not been
selected as a mask option.
When no key is pressed the scan lines (Port 0) can be
programmed HIGH and the sense lines (Port 1)
programmed LOW. If a diode is connected between a
sense line and scan line then the scan line will be pulled
LOW and this can be detected by a read operation to
Port 0.
Key scanning
Port lines P10 to P17 and T0/INT have been designed to
be used as key sense lines. However, if the wake-up
option is not selected for ports P14 to P17 then these can
be used as general I/O lines.
Port lines P00 to P07, P20 to P23 and DP60 to DP67 can
be used as key scan lines or general I/O ports. Derivative
Port 6 also provides the High byte address for the Coding
Table, even when used as scan lines.
After a Power-on-reset, the scan lines are set LOW and
the sense lines HIGH. If the system has entered the Stop
mode (by software) then when any key is depressed an
external interrupt will be generated and the system will be
If the external interrupt was enabled (by using the ‘EN I’
instruction) before the Stop mode was entered, then when
the CPU is woken-up, the instruction that follows the STOP
instruction will be executed before diverting to the interrupt
routine at vector address 03H. However, if the interrupt
was not enabled before the Stop mode was entered, then
when the CPU is woken-up the instruction that follows the
STOP instruction will be executed.
Accessing command code
When any key is depressed its function and operation
protocol are determined, then the command code is read.
If the command code is stored in system ROM it can be
accessed using the ‘MOVP A,@A’ instruction. If the
command code resides in Coding Table ROM it can be
accessed by writing the address to DP60 to DP67 (High
byte) and P00 to P07 (Low byte) and then reading the data
from DP50 to DP57.
In Normal mode, if the Coding Table address is within the
0000 to 1FFFH range for PCA84C922 devices, or within
the 0000 to 3FFFH range for PCA84C923 devices, then
the internal Coding Table will be accessed when
Derivative Port 5 (address 05H) is read.
In the Normal mode only the PCA84C923D has the ability
to access external memory. If the Coding Table address is
greater than 3FFFH then the external memory will be
accessed when Derivative Port 5 (terminal) is read.
When the PCA84C923D is used in the Emulation mode,
when Derivative Port 5 is read, data will always be read
from DP50 to DP57 terminals. Therefore, the internal
Coding Table ROM can be emulated when the
PCA84C923D and the bond-out chip PCF84C00 are used.