For reception, a fixed programmable minimum high-level pulse width for the pulse to be decoded as a logical 0 is used.
Shorter pulses will then be discarded, and the bit will be decoded to logical 1 as if no pulse was received.
The module can only be used in combination with one USART at a time. Thus, IRCOM mode must not be set for more
than one USART at a time. This must be ensured in the user software.
22.2.1 Event System Filtering
The event system can be used as the receiver input. This enables IRCOM or USART input from I/O pins or sources other
than the corresponding RX pin. If event system input is enabled, input from the USART's RX pin is automatically
disabled. The event system has a digital input filter (DIF) on the event channels that can be used for filtering. Refer to
Registers Description
22.3.1 TXPLCTRL – Transmitter Pulse Length Control register
Bit 7:0 – TXPLCTRL[7:0]: Transmitter Pulse Length Control
This 8-bit value sets the pulse modulation scheme for the transmitter. Setting this register will have no effect if IRCOM
mode is not selected by a USART.
By leaving this register value to zero, 3/16 of the baud rate period pulse modulation is used.
Setting this value from 1 to 254 will give a fixed pulse length coding. The 8-bit value sets the number of system clock
periods for the pulse. The start of the pulse will be synchronized with the rising edge of the baud rate clock.
Setting the value to 255 (0xFF) will disable pulse coding, letting the RX and TX signals pass through the IRCOM module
unaltered. This enables other features through the IRCOM module, such as half-duplex USART, loop-back testing, and
USART RX input from an event channel.
TXPCTRL must be configured before the USART transmitter is enabled (TXEN).
22.3.2 RXPLCTRL – Receiver Pulse Length Control register
Bit 7:0 – RXPLCTRL[7:0]: Receiver Pulse Length Control
This 8-bit value sets the filter coefficient for the IRCOM transceiver. Setting this register will have no effect if IRCOM
mode is not selected by a USART.
By leaving this register value at zero, filtering is disabled. Setting this value between 1 and 255 will enable filtering, where
x+1 equal samples are required for the pulse to be accepted.
RXPCTRL must be configured before the USART receiver is enabled (RXEN).
Initial Value
Initial Value