Chapter 3 Modes of Operation
MC9S08SH8 MCU Series Data Sheet, Rev. 3
Freescale Semiconductor
Most background commands are not available in stop mode. The memory-access-with-status commands
do not allow memory access, but they report an error indicating that the MCU is in either stop or wait
mode. The BACKGROUND command can be used to wake the MCU from stop and enter active
background mode if the ENBDM bit is set. After entering background debug mode, all background
commands are available.
Stop2 Mode
Stop2 mode is entered by executing a STOP instruction under the conditions as shown in
Table 3-1. Most
of the internal circuitry of the MCU is powered off in stop2 with the exception of the RAM. Upon entering
stop2, all I/O pin control signals are latched so that the pins retain their states during stop2.
Exit from stop2 is performed by asserting the wake-up pin (PTA5/IRQ/TCLK/RESET) on the MCU.
In addition, the real-time counter (RTC) can wake the MCU from stop2, if enabled.
Upon wake-up from stop2 mode, the MCU starts up as from a power-on reset (POR):
All module control and status registers are reset
The LVD reset function is enabled and the MCU remains in the reset state if VDD is below the LVD
trip point (low trip point selected due to POR)
The CPU takes the reset vector
In addition to the above, upon waking up from stop2, the PPDF bit in SPMSC2 is set. This ag is used to
direct user code to go to a stop2 recovery routine. PPDF remains set and the I/O pin states remain latched
until a 1 is written to PPDACK in SPMSC2.
To maintain I/O states for pins that were congured as general-purpose I/O before entering stop2, the user
must restore the contents of the I/O port registers, which have been saved in RAM, to the port registers
before writing to the PPDACK bit. If the port registers are not restored from RAM before writing to
PPDACK, then the pins will switch to their reset states when PPDACK is written.
For pins that were congured as peripheral I/O, the user must recongure the peripheral module that
interfaces to the pin before writing to the PPDACK bit. If the peripheral module is not enabled before
writing to PPDACK, the pins will be controlled by their associated port control registers when the I/O
latches are opened.
On-Chip Peripheral Modules in Stop Modes
When the MCU enters any stop mode, system clocks to the internal peripheral modules are stopped. Even
in the exception case (ENBDM = 1), where clocks to the background debug logic continue to operate,